I'm a formula baby. 35 years old and thriving. Same for my sister. 32 and perfectly fine. I formula-feed my LB and my niece was also formula fed and both are just fine. You did what was best for your baby, don't stress about it. As @Aleasha said, fed is best. ☺️
Please do not feel guilty. You are feeding your baby! I stopped breast feeding after only 3 weeks and felt so guilty, but it's the best thing I could have done, for me and my baby. There is far too much stigma around breast/formula feeding. Fed is best! I know many babies who are thriving being formula fed. Do what's best for you and your baby ❤️ x
Look at your friends - can you tell who was formula and who was breastfed? Fed is best, always ❤️ my daughter is 21m and formula fed from about 1-2 weeks after birth and is the most happy thriving toddler. She’s generally in excellent health as well. Please don’t worry or stress x
I have 2 kids one formula fed due to medical reasons from about 3 weeks old and the other EBF for 6months. Absolutely no difference in health, development or anything. If anything at all we have more illness with EBF one. A fed baby is much healthy baby than a not fed baby!
Firstly, well done for giving it your best go. That is a win in itself. Secondly, the formula has added vitamins and minerals that a baby needs, so you are giving them what they need. You got this, Mumma 😊
I was a formula fed baby and was absolutely fine! I wanted to breastfeed my little boy but we had no end of problems, he's now mainly formula fed with his first feed of the day being breastfed and I pump once in the evening so he has a small amount of breast milk in a bottle every day as well (but I don't get much). To be honest I'm doing that more for me than for him, he is so happy and thriving with the formula, particularly because I've reduced the stress I was experiencing by trying and struggling to breastfeed. You're doing what is best for you and your baby and you're giving them everything they need ❤️
My LO is 3 months and feeding has always been a struggle, I’ve really pushed to exclusively breastfeed as that’s what all the health professionals told me to do. The last few days I’ve had to introduce formula as my baby is fussing so much at my boob and since introducing the formula she’s a much happier baby. It’s so hard to not feel guilty but please don’t, so many babies are formula fed and are fine. You’re doing the best for your baby xx
Thank you all so much for your comments, I really appreciate them! It’s so reassuring to know I’m not alone and that your little ones are all thriving. Social media can definitely contribute to fear-mongering, especially for new mums, and I think ‘mum guilt’ plays a big role too. It just seems to be part of this journey, but certain comments definitely don’t help. While I appreciate advice on healthy choices, it’s tough hearing that something you’ve given your baby is ‘bad’ or has already impacted their start in life on social posts targeting parents. That said, your kind words have been so reassuring. We’ll be starting weaning soon, which is something positive to focus on. Thanks again you wonderful mums! ❤️
There are millions of babies who are on formula and they are all okay. You did what you knew was a right decision to make and in my opinion fed is best so if that doesn’t show how much of a good choice you made I don’t know what does 🤍