We use the huckleberry sweet spot guidance and it’s spot on for my boy, I don’t even need to try and get him to sleep anymore, I just feed him when his nap is due, or pop him in the carrier and carry on with my day and 99% of the time he nods off exactly when the app predicts! X
I use huckleberry too, but more as a guide atm as I think we'll be dropping to 3 naps soon so he's kinda in-between 4 nap and 3 nap wake windows.
Baby is 18 weeks and we do 1.15- 2 hours max. Usually 1.30
We’re exactly the same as @Hannah , could’ve written myself
i *have* followed wake windows and followed the huckleberry app, not religiously but just as a guidance. lately it’s been totally wrong for me and i’m just following cues now which seems to work for me better. 2/2:30 hours also, huckleberry is asking me to do 1:30 for my 18 week old, which just isn’t working, he’s not ready to sleep at that time!