
Do you all feed LO each breast and be done with it or keep switching from breast to breast until baby wants no more?
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I offer one breast. Normally feeds between 5 to 10 mins. If it's a really long feed. As is normally the case before bed, I offer both

I offer both at every feed. I won't offer the same one twice. She dosent have to take the second breast but if she's still hungry then the options there. 40% of the time she will refuse the second, 50% of the time she'll both for full feeds and 10% of the time she'll take a full feed from one and fall asleep within a minute on the other.

I only do one per feed. I had lots of issues with over supply and lactose overload so we ended up block feeding for a few days. Now it's just habit and it works for him.

I offer both and he always feeds pretty much fully from both, ya girl's ☠️

LO will feed from both totalling about 15 to 20 minute feed. When they let go, I will burp them, wipe their mouth and offer the other. Later when it's bed time they will take about 40 minutes mostly.

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