Surrounding yourself with a team that believes in it and that does everything is their power to respect your wishes is probably the most important thing in my opinion. You don't want to be fighting for your rights in those very vulnerable moments. Get a good midwife and/or doula who is experienced with physiological birth if you can. Think about the various scenarios that could happen (including those leading to an emergency c-section) and how you would want to handle them. Your birth may not go as planned so having a contingency plan for a lot of possible scenarios can make a huge difference in how you experience your birth. Reading or listening to various birth stories can be very helpful and inspiring. If there is anything that can be done to prevent health complications (especially those you had in your previous pregnancy), do it. It may not work but at least you won't have regrets if you feel like you did everything in your power to give yourself the best chances.
The VBAC Link podcast (also on IG and FB) super helpful! Get a doula and make sure you have a VBAC supportive provider. The VBAC Link podcast also has a blog and they have a list of questions to ask to make sure your provider is legitimately VBAC supportive. My sister went to the most "VBAC supportive" hospitals in her state. They told her that she could have VBAC her whole pregnancy and at 39 weeks they flipped the switch on her and made her have a csection*. Which now I know I would have laughed and just shown up to the hospital and refused a csection unless medically necessary.
I would recommend focusing on your health in general as the top priority. Eating, hydrating, exercising, supplementing, self care in a way that feels good for you as much as possible (and obviously run choices by your care team and see what recommendations they have). If you can prevent any health issues from making you “high risk,” that will give you your greatest chances. 🤍 that and empowering and educating yourself in physiological birth so that you can advocate for your needs and choose a care team that falls in line with your values. I personally listened to podcasts from “empowered birth, love, and life” and found those very helpful! She is a doula who works with a large population of VBAC moms. ☺️