With my first I went all the way to 42 weeks before being induced. I’m hoping this time I go natural but if I make all the way to 42 weeks again then I’ll be induced again but I don’t think I will this time
With my first I was 41+3. My midwife says most ftm will go 7-10 days past 40 weeks. I’m a big believer that baby will come when ready and your due date is truly just a guess date!
@Victoria I’ve heard that going to 42 weeks isn’t the safest so I’m afraid to willingly go anything past 41 weeks exactly for that reason.
I’m 38 weeks tomorrow and will be induced due to having a big baby next Tuesday 😖
@Lydia 41 vs 42 is a big difference for you and your baby! I was 41+3 with my first and once I was in labor he flew out lol. My midwife will go past 42 depending on comfort of mom etc. I think the medical system likes to push induction for any reason which usually leads to the cascade of interventions (there are necessary reasons sometimes for induction) but majority of times moms will have their babies 100% without any intervention when the baby is ready.
@Kimberley no such thing as too big of a baby!! Also ultrasounds are wildly inaccurate for weight of baby.
Same here! Due date is March 5th, I think the farthest I’m willing to go is March 10th, so about 40+5!
My OB/hospital will induce between 41-42 weeks if no medical reason for induction. I had an induction at 40+3 last time given baby’s size and I am hoping to avoid one this time around since this baby is smaller and I think my first would’ve come on their own within a few days later if we’d waited. But no way to know! I appreciated having a clear start time though when I scheduled my last induction 😀
With my first I had contractions 5 min apart by 35 weeks and was 1cm dilated. They stopped the contractions for me but they came back around 37 weeks but were so inconsistent and I was stuck at 1cm. Got induced at 41 weeks and baby had a bowel movement in the womb that caused a lot of problems plus the umbilical was stuck around her neck. We had a very long and traumatic birth. This time, I’m hoping to get induced between 39-40 weeks (if I don’t go naturally) due to having a bigger baby due to gestational diabetes and I’m afraid of going past 40 and having problems again
@Katie praying u have a better birth experience this time🙏
Just spoke with my doctor about this today! I’m 39+4 right now and had my check up today. I have no signs of any labor except I’m 1cm dilated and baby has dropped so I’m feeling pressure down low especially when baby moves. I scheduled my next appointment for 1 week away from today (March 4th) which will put me 4 days past my due date if I make it that far. I will be getting a membrane sweep at that appointment to avoid a medicine induction as they told me they will schedule an induction for soon after March 7th if nothing happens. So if I make it to next Tuesday I’m hoping that the membrane sweep will kickstart things so I don’t have to be medically induced. We will see!!
The average for FTM is going into labor at 41+3 to 41+5. Wait it out if you can 🫶 I won't ask for an induction until 42 weeks.
I have an induction scheduled for 39.5 weeks if I don’t go naturally by then. My baby has been consistently measuring in the 97th percentile and I really want to mitigate any risks of shoulder dysplasia which is my doctors main fear with a baby this big lol. I def trust her as she’s very natural minded and someone who normally advocates against inductions
Hopefully u dont get to 41 weeks im currently 38 and i am starting this weekend to walk a lot and have sex because anything past 40 weeks is just crazy lol