Following along as I have stir fry on my shopping list this week, but was also looking for a sauce that would suitable for baby too!
If you can find Coconut Aminos, that’s a lower sodium option to use instead of soy sauce
I used to do a mix of peanut butter and low salt soy for baby, with some 5 spice. I'd then top mine with chili oil and regular soy sauce
you can get low sodium soy sauce, we found some in the supermarket, I've done a couple table spoons low sodium soy, good bit of fresh ginger and garlic grated, black pepper, some gochujang if baby is able to handle spice (mine seems to love slightly spicy food) and honey or maple syrup depending on baby's age, works as a marinade too
I just water down tamari. You can also find low sodium soy sauce.
@Jess GREAT tip! Going to try this. Thank you
@Jess so like 5 spice with prune?
Not a proper recipe or anything but when I used to make baby hoisin style meals I would use a prunes pouch x