You can definitely decline getting checked but I don’t know of any other way of knowing whether or not you’re dilating
Yeah just decline. I don’t know of another way either. I’m 36 weeks and heavy on the contractions everyday, so when my OB asked to check yesterday I said yes. I’m 1cm but I’ve had 2 kids before so it could be because of that. Have you asked to go home? Or if it was safe to go home? What did they say?
Just go home and wait it out. It’s common for labor to stall when you go back and forth to the hospital. The stress stalls labor. Just keep doing oxytocin inducing things and that should help labor progress.
I was finally able to go home and wait if out. They said i was 4 cm dilated, but the check itself felt like hell. They wanted to check before i leave but i declined. My water hasnt broken yet. And contractions are a bit more manageable...i more worried that 36 weeks is a little too soon.
You can always decline. I’ve only checked once and declined the one from today cause I didn’t really need to know lol. Not sure how else you can tell without physically checking though