Sleep regression

Just curious to know how you’re all coping with this? It’s been 2 months for us and I don’t see much improvement..
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Not coping really. Hardly sleeping getting run down from lack of sleep and losing my mind 🙈x

Hasn’t happened for us (yet?) but then my baby only turned 4 months a few days ago. Also he was born 3 wks early so

It lasted 12 weeks for us and only within the past week have I noticed changes in sleep. Getting a 2/3 hour stretch minimum instead of 1 and he suddenly wants to be put down in his cot to sleep whereas before he just wanted to be attached to me

Struggling and wondering what on earth is going on 😭😭

My son gave us false hope and slept through the night one night, but then right back at it with the hourly wake ups from 3am 😵‍💫 when does it stop?! Also, the daytime naps? Shit. I have hope but I am exhausted

I feel we’ve been in a sleep regression since birth 🤣 no but seriously last night was hourly wake ups - he’s just so so hungry at the minute whatever I feed him night and day!

@Siobhan oh I hope it goes better from now on!!

@Ellie I feel the same! He slept a 6.5 hour stretch one night and then back to 1-2 hours🥹

Not coping 😭 last night I spent an hour getting him down and he slept for… 8 minutes 😭 and after that for about 30 mins at a time until 5:30 when he slept until toddler woke us up at 6:45. I’m so exhausted that I am managing to sleep pretty much instantly whenever he does but it’s just not enough.

@Lauren OMG same. Just a sleep regression would have been one thing but the constant feeding is draining the life out of me

The only regression we are getting is she is suddenly waking around 5 and it's pot luck whether she'll stay asleep or go back after 40 mins

No sleep ( I feel like even when he is asleep he’s not in a deep sleep) tossing turning then crying and wide awake. Every half our or hour if I’m lucky by time it’s 5:30 he’s wide awake and I’m pretty much dead! 😭

It hasn't happened yet. She is actually now sleeping 8-5 straight since the warm nights started. Fingers crossed it stays this way 🤞🏽

Not had it yet but she was 10 weeks early so I’ve been told to go by corrected age. She’s only 12 weeks corrected so expecting it in the next few weeks 😂🤦‍♀️xx

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