I’m 39w2d also I’m 4cm 70% effaced having regular contractions 3-5 minutes apart for days. Went to labor and delivery last night and they sent me home saying I was in early labor but my contractions just aren’t strong enough to dilate me yet.
Omg Raye! How are you feeling ? What do they feel like?
@Nicole I’m doing alright just pushing thru.. contractions are sooo rough and painful.. the nurse told me I was having actual contractions and wasn’t sure why the doctor was sending me home. I’m scheduled to be induced on Monday so imma just push thru and labor at home until then I guess.. they said my cervix is soft and stretchy and babies head is applied so I’m doing something right just making no progress yet..
@Raye-Lyn that sounds so exhausting 😬 I'm sorry they're making you wait!
It’s awful! Imma just tough it thru until Monday I guess..
39+4 I feel your pain lol. Been 3cm for a week, except I do have lots of cramps/contractions, just not strong enough to be active labor yet!
@Abby I’ve been 4cm for 2 weeks now..
@Raye-Lyn Can’t believe they won’t just admit you already!
@Abby literally! Being induced in 17 hours so imma just tough out these contractions
@Raye-Lyn ahh you’re so close! I’m having nonstop period-like back cramps today 😩
@Abby same here!
Right there with you!