Second birth

I’m due to have my second baby in May. For those of you who have already welcomed a baby no.2, was your second labour shorter/faster than your first?
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I had more Braxton hicks / minor odd contractions in the run up but once labour properly started it took 2.5 hours - home water birth. First took about 10 hours, also home water birth.

Baby number 2 was definitely faster and easier despite him being 2 pounds heavier than my first!!

I had more Braxton hicks for about a month before. Labour was faster, although did have on/off contractions all day with my second. Then they kicked off around 8pm that evening and she was born just before 4am at home 🥰🥰

Also had more Braxton Hicks. Contractions started around 8pm and baby born just after 3am. My first was close to 24 hours after my waters broke. It was all much faster. My midwife said to focus more on the intensity of the contractions, not the length between them as it can all get quite intense quite quickly second time round.

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