My mother-in-law drives me crazy.
Every time we see her which isn't often she always seems to imply my daughter isn't doing enough developmentally even though she's doing exactly what she should be when she should be doing it and is early with some stuff but it's just never good enough for MIL. She can't seem to say anything encouraging to my daughter. It's always "aren't you crawling, walking or talking yet!?" And she's a baby. She's 9months just and is crawling and cruising but she's been asking about her walking since she was 5 months old. She claims my husband walked at 6 months old but she was a neglectful avoidant parent who never did anything fun or loving with/for my husband and her story on motherhood seems to change depending on whatever makes her look like a good mother. I've caught her out in her lies so often regarding her mothering that I don't believe a word she says anymore. But I just wish she could say something positive about my daughter's milestones. I feel such pride about them even though they are simple to us adults. I know it means she's trying and developing at a healthy rate. My mum passed years ago from cancer and my mum was dysfunctional but so excited for whatever good was going on for the grandkids no matter how small. I feel so miserable that I haven't had that experience. My child would have been her 11th grandchild and the only one she didn't meet. I was her youngest and had unknown infertility for years. I gave up hope of having kids after a silent miscarriage and got pregnant the year after unexpectedly. I just wish the only grandparent I had around was actually a happy, loving and positive one. She's so miserable, everything positive she says is only about herself and I'm just upset this is my daughter's experience of grandmother's instead of the one with my mum. Sorry for the rant... I just feel insane that this is the reality when Grandma should be spoiling the only baby in her family rotten & never letting them go. 😂
I could’ve written this myself 🤣 girl these MILs are nuts. My MIL also asks and complains about all my daughter’s milestones. Every time she calls she asks if she’s sleeping through the night 🙄 y’all already know it’s a no. I’m sorry you lost your mom- that must be so hard 💔 Mine asked my husband and I how many kids we want, before I could interject that were taking it slow on deciding, my husband answered saying “Claire likes the idea of 4” She said “oh I wanted 4, but then I had my son and one was just plenty!!!” Another time she told us how she tried for a decade to get pregnant….. so like- girl which is it? You were infertile or you just wanted one? The flip flopping drives me nuuuuts. Hoping you can find an auntie figure who could give your child the more “grandma” energy you’re after. I’m looking too haha