Unless he’s in a dangerous occupation where he NEEDS sleep he’s going to have to suck it up and help you whatever the hour. If you start with doing everything you’ll be stuck doing it long term. Think of your maternity leave as work. If you don’t get any help when your husband isn’t working you’re literally working 6/9/12 months solid without a break. Anyway back to your Q. I felt fine after my planned C section. Went for a (short) walk 4 days later. Just listen to your body. ❤️
@Cal he does have a heart condition and sleep apnea and he’s already had issues with work where he’s nearly lost his job because of his heart condition so he does need the sleep more. His work isn’t dangerous but it is physically demanding x
Had an emergency section felt really well afterwards and managed a walk into town on day 3 to get baby registered. Best advice is keep on top of your pain relief. I had paracetamol which I took at 6/12/18/00 hrs then had ibuprofen which I took at 3/9/15/21 hrs. This meant I had some form of pain relief every 3hrs and I kept to it religiously for the first 5 days. I did have some oramorph in the hospital and had some given to take home but never had to use it. I was breastfeeding so didn't have to go up and down the stairs. Maybe setting yourself up in the sitting room for the first few nights if your partner can't help to minimise the stairs
I had a c section 4 weeks ago, I found I needed help getting up out of bed and had to wake my husband to get me up. It is true what everyone says - keep moving to help recovery. I’m 4 weeks pp now and feel almost back to normal! X
You will need support lifting the baby in and out of Moses basket / crib (it will be painful and you could tear your stitches doing too much) For night feeds I pre make my formula bottles then keep in fridge overnight and just warm up in warm water once needed (I even bought a mini fridge for upstairs) or you can buy a prep machine and take upstairs when you go to bed For the first 2 weeks I slept downstairs on the sofa basically upright as it’s quite painful to lay down for a while Keep on top of your meds every 4 hours even if you think you don’t need them
I had an emergency section and was really ill afterwards. I’ll be honest, my husband did every single night feed for the first two weeks that we were home as he wanted me to sleep and recover, and I really needed that support. I struggled with recovery a lot. If possible, I’d say get something upstairs to make your bottles with just to save yourself the stairs if you can avoid it - maybe a Nuby rapid cool & thermos? (Tommee Tippee do their own version also). It might be worth also just seeing if you could split the feeds as I’ve seen you mention his health issues so could he do the ones later at night like before midnight while you sleep and then you do the others until morning. He could then do a morning one before he goes to work?
It’s so individual. I was fine after, was home within 24 hours and was able to lift my baby in and out of Moses basket and get up and down for bottles etc. I do live in a flat though. But I have a prep machine in the bedroom for ease. I found it best to keep moving, and was out walking 2/3 days after section. I hope it goes well for you. I expect you’ll feel so much better once your HG eases up too.
I was up and about walking around everywhere the next day, but my baby was in nicu so that was a big motivation! Regarding formula we actually bought the kettle, formula machine and a mini fridge to keep in the bedroom to prevent needing to go up and downstairs, made a huuuge difference!
Can you not take your kettle or warmer upstairs I take mine up every night and found it so much easier x
I had my baby 8 weeks ago (tomorrow). I had a section and was so worried about recovery but it wasn’t as bad as I expected. I was out walking after a few days xx
I recovered quickly and was able to push the pram for a walk down my road by day 4. For night feeds, put a Tommee Tippee perfect prep machine in your bedroom or use pre made formulas for the first week or so to save you from the sitars - that will be too much for you to keep getting up for that. If baby is in a next to me, just roll on your side then push up (painful) then you will be ok to lift baby yourself. Sounds like a really difficult situation for you and he should absolutely be taking 2 weeks paid paternity to help you 😥 Perhaps you could even stay longer at hospital if you tell them there’s no help for you at home.
Do you have any friend and family who can help? You could set up a station upstairs to help with formula in the night But your partner can help after work Me and my husband did “shifts” I’d go to bed early to get some solid sleep and he would do the feeds until he came to bed Then I would do them through the night And he would do one when he got up so we both got some good quality sleep
Thank you ladies for all your comments, they’ve been super helpful! I will most likely set up downstairs as everything I’ll need is down here. I’m sure I’ll get there, I just needed some reassurance so thank you all 🫶 @Leah no friends but I do have family who can help out when they aren’t working too. Thank you ♥️
With my previous C-section recovery it helped that I connected to women who also had a newborn via Peanut, made great friends, at least you know that someone will be awake at the same time you are, and you can chat and talk in between feedings. It helped so much I did not feel lonely. We combined her feeding between breastfeeding pump and formula, I got into a routine, cup of coffee, Tommie tipper prep machine, feed baby, pump, sterilise, watch tv and message my friends at silly times!
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@Leah we did this too I’d go to bed at like 8pm and he would do the 10pm feed and put her to bed so then I could sleep till the 1am feed. It was helpful for sure x
@Rosie it just doesn’t make sense for you both to be shattered. So that’s what worked for us for a few months. And as the feeds went longer I stayed up later etc Even if I couldn’t sleep I used to just go watch some tv and have some downtime
@Leah yes same For us. I found it hard to accept we had no evening for a while but actually it was so much better albeit still shattered 🤣🤣 My partner did shifts so I would be alone for 4 and then have proper help for 4 which was good! Xx
I honestly couldn’t believe how well I felt afterwards; I could pretty much do everything to be honest. I was amazed I was moving easier than friends who had tough vaginal births! It was nice to have help but it was a necessity for me. That being said I had a healthy pregnancy, no issues xx