I’m 34w3d and just had appointment this morning. I’m at 3cm. I have a history of multiple preterm labors and 34 weeks was the earliest I’ve delivered, so I’m about right on time considering my history.
35 weeks and right at 3cm dilated, 50% effaced, -3 station. This is the point when my last broke my water so just waiting to see what happens.
@Jenny cervical check with your provider
Can you request to be checked or does it have to be like a medical reason for them to check you
@Jenny most providers do cervical checks every appointment near the end of the pregnancy. My OB starts them at 36 weeks. So if I wanted it it would be at 36, 38, 40 weeks. I personally am going to decline cervical checks this go around. But yeah most likely your provider will offer, if not feel free to ask and I’m sure they would check for you.
@Jenny You can request it. Some providers will also offer it. I opted to do it because I have had a lot of preterm contractions on and off.
@Jenny you can request. And if you’re showing signs that things may be moving along quicker they can ask you if you want to get checked, which you of course can accept or decline. But most OBs start at 36 weeks.
Ok I have my appt on Friday I been having contractions off and on and back pain along with pain when I’m walking I’m 34 weeks and they said if I go into labor anytime from now they will do a emergency c section other wise I get a c section at 39 weeks
@Jenny my dr checked me
@Jess did your babies have a NICU stay?
@Heather did your baby have a NICU stay?
I'm 35w4d and had a check today, I was 3cm. With my first I wasn't "2-3cm" until 37 weeks, then "3cm" at 39 weeks. So I'm a little nervous that I'm already 3cm at 35 weeks. 😳 Although I know I could stay like this for weeks!
@incognito Only one of my babies had a NICU stay, but it was because he was born with MULTIPLE & MAJOR defects. 1 of my others didn’t have a NICU stay, but did have 1 extra day stay just to monitor his jaundice for a few more hours, my 3rd didn’t have a NICU stay and went home on time, even though he was more jaundice than the other one, we ended up having to drive to Vandy in Nashville after his first ped appointment to go sit under the lights. Everything else was pretty normal.
I'm 32 weeks and dilated at 1cm as of a week ago.
How do you know when you dilate