Go for walks and drink raspberry leaf tea, stay active as possible. I had an induction and then became c section for the reason baby was in distress but if there was no intervention to begin with I am sure I would have had normal birth! Just follow the signs your body gives you and hopefully you will be okay but I would just say get active and go from there xx
Very normal to go over for first baby. Sex, pineapple juice a raspberry leaf tea can help.
I was 41 and 3 when I had my first! My midwife says it’s very common to go 7-10 days past 40 as a ftm. Remember your due date is really just a guess date!
My chiropractor said most of her FTM patients go to 41+3. I have two friends who were FTM who recently had babies at 42+1 and 41+5. As long as you're not high risk and still have a good amount of fluid seen on the ultrasound, I think you're fine to wait!
Very common to go over as a ftm. I’ve had two inductions and one natural. My first induction was due to fetal distress and pre eclampsia so it was quite intense. I did require further interventions but my boy was also sunny side up. My second induction was planned - I asked to be induced for reasons. It was by far the best experience out of all 3. I laughed most of my waters out, I danced until I couldn’t any more. It happened quickly and only had a small tear. The inductions I managed on gas/air my natural was too quick for anything. All I can say is try stay active, if you’re collecting colostrum try expressing after the pitocin is administered as it can help with the process.