@Kathryn thank you. I think it’s just finally hitting me that it’s the end and everything is about to change even more and I feel out of control especially not knowing the new date of my induction. Ugh.
I totally know how you feel! I’m starting to panic and get worried about baby’s arrival and if I’m going to be able to cope. Sending you hugs and hope you get the date soon ❤️
Update - it was in fact the closer date and it’s officially under 48 hours before I’m due the hospital XD
Hey lovely, don’t panic, I’m sure you’re way more prepared and ready than you think you are 🤗 also try not to get too hung up on the date because inductions can take days so baby isn’t guaranteed to come on the day it’s scheduled for. Try to relax and enjoy these days so you’re rested for baby’s arrival. Hope it all goes well!❤️