Baby blues

Baby is 7 days old and I am experiencing horrible baby blues. I love and care about my baby but I don’t really feel connected to her yet, I don’t even feel like I’m her mum. I feel like she is just a baby that I’m looking after. Is this normal for the baby blues? I also feel lonely and miss my partner - even though he is right there next to me. I feel our relationship is different and I miss us.
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I did the exact thing..I almost hated him, I hated myself, I wouldn't eat, I wouldn't even touch him, I promise it's normal mama it's gonna get better, it's take so e us longer than others I'm 11 weeks in and still struggling, I'm still trying to heal both mentally and physically, your baby will be absolutely fine if she is left to cry, make sure she's in a safe position and walk away I promise promise promise you that walking away to where you can't hear here for 10-20 minutes, sometimes even an hour or more, check on them but don't bother them, it's better to walk away than to get past the point and do something you'll regret, even if it's squeezing a little tighter, we don't realize it but we're quick to physically respond, you're doing amazing mama, keep going, it's the most beautiful thing ever, don't ever feel guilty for anything you're a human and you deserve to feel your emotions ❤️

I felt the same, i felt homesick in my own home. It will pass, this is temporary 🤍

@Karin what a perfect way to describe the feeling! Homesick in your own home. We go through so much but all worth it in the end 🤍

I feel very similar to you. I'm just over 2 weeks pp and I can tell you it has gotten a little bit better. Just remember, it's such a massive life adjustment and it's going to take time. I miss my partner so much, but he's right there next to me. I miss my old self, but I'm still there in just recovering ... I keep telling myself it does and will get better. You're only human at the end of the day and our hormones are taking a huge hit. If you feel your getting worse, please contact your GP and they'll refer you to your local IAPT service for support possibly in the form of talking therapies. You've got this and don't feel ashamed of how you're feeling 💕

It's completely normal how ur feeling. All of a sudden ur whole life has been turned upside down and nothing can prepare you for it. Relationships are hard when uve had a baby and they come under a huge strain. I ended up really resenting my husband in the beginning as he carried on with his life like nothing had changed. We argued alot and about the most stupidest things to begin with but things are much better now. When I first had my boy I thought WTF have I done and kept thinking I'd made a huge mistake wanting a baby. It was the hormones and sleep deprivation. You will grieve ur old life but you learn to accept this new crazy life. These babies don't come with a manual and were expected to no what to do with them. Also I think its just assumed that u have ur baby and it's all lovely and u instantly connect with them and bond, but it doesn't always happen and that's completely normal. You need time to adjust. Your doing amazing and don't ever forget it xxxxx

I didn't bond with my first daughter for the first few weeks then I just turned a corner and loved her so much. There was no instant connection and I think so many people talk about that feeling the feeling of not connecting straight away isn't mentioned c

I'm totally in the same place. My baby is 10 days old but I'm trying to adjust to this new motherhood role and it's really hard and soo boring. I miss my old life before having a baby

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