Labor with first vs second

How long were you in labor with your first and then your second. Bonus points if you were induced with both.
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My first my water broke but I wasn’t dilated enough so they gave me Pitocin. I was in active labor for 12 hours and pushed for 30mins. Im not pregnant with my second yet but super curious of what other people’s experiences are

No inductions for either. First felt contractions in the evening on a Thursday & had my first on Saturday morning, and water only broke during pushing. Second, I woke up around 3 and realised my water had broke (slow leak), and had my second at 2:45pm the same day.

I’m interested in hearing it for others. I only have had one child so far. I wasn’t induced. My labor from start to finish was only about 9 hours and I pushed for just 5 minutes. I’m interested in hearing if that was similar to someone else’s and what their second was like cause I’ve heard it gets shorter with the next child

Both spontaneous but from what I call first sign of early labour to exit, first was about 20 hours from waters going, second was about 16 from bloody show going (although had been mildly cramping with no pattern from the day prior too).

I was induced with my first - labour was an hour. Wasn’t induced with my second and labour was 5 hours x

I pushed my baby out in 3 pushes 6 hours after my induction. My water broke about 10 minutes after they first induced me.

Iv been induced with both of my sons first labour 12 hours second labour 4 hours

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