
Hi all, Those of you that have a baby on 3 bottles a day, how do you time these around naps and solids? My girl is close to dropping to 1 nap but it throws off our lunch and bottle routine so I'm not sure how to time it? Thanks for any replies
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Our routine is currently 7 ish - wake up 1st bottle straight away breakfast about an hour after milk 10 - 1st nap 12 ish - 2nd bottle lunch nap at 3 4:30 - snack 6 - dinner 3rd bottle before bed times to vary each day depending on him and we are currently dropping our second bottle as he’s not having it but I hope this helps at all 😊

Thank you! She goes to bed at 1845 so we do 20min pram nap at 0930 then a bigger sleep at 1230 but it's tricky as one nap she would need to go down at 1130 but that's straight after lunch so no time for milk

@Georgina how old is your little one do you think she is ready to drop a bottle yet ? we are trying to replace our second bottle with a snack as he’s not really drinking it plus he’s 1 this month x

@libby my girl will be 12months on 01/04. I'm not sure she's ready as she drinks it all, she also has 1 boob feed at 1430 which I'm in the process of dropping as she used to be EBF but now swapped to pumping as I'll work 24hour shifts 🙈

What size bottles does your boy have?

He has 3 7oz bottles 1 of breast milk and 2 formula as I don’t pump enough anymore, I wouldn’t drop one if she’s not showing signs my little one was just not drinking his full second bottle and would much rather have solids than his lunch bottle so he naturally dropped it

It is so hard though trying to fit it all in the day

Thank you!

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