I’m definitely considering it. My midwife is also a big advocate for home births so I might end up swaying. What has made it a definite decision for you? I’m still considering it but not sure xx
Not for me, I worked in a hospital for many years and I’d much prefer to be there incase anything went wrong. However it’s a very personal decision.
@charlotte with my first I was forced to do a lot of things I didn’t want and then after birth they was forcing the placenta out instantly which I’ve learnt now you can wait. Leaving abit of the placenta inside me causing a huge infection 2 weeks later where I lost so much blood and had to have several blood transfusions. And facts actually show more things will go wrong in hospital and if you accept anything it’s more of a pathway to C-section. The Amount of c-section in the UK than any other country is so much higher for no reason at all.
@Emily oh I can definitely see why you wouldn’t have one then especially with previous birth.
@Zoe I wonder if a good doula could help advocate for me in the ward? Ie not pushing me doing things that im not happy with?
I am planning to have a homebirth 💜
I’m planning on it yes. I didn’t have a traumatic birth which is why I’d rather do this one at home.
@Anna a doula could really help. My first was born during Covid so was only allowed my partner and obviously he didn’t really know much 🤣.
YESSSSS statistics show that home birth is a really safe option for most women (even many who are "high-risk") and I mean have you seen the stats about birthing IN hospital too, yikes - for many it might actually be "safer" to birth out of hospital. Home birth is a lot more protective of physiological birth (what most people would call natural birth) and you have a much lower chance of intervention even if you just plan a home birth 💕 I personally have a lot of "risk factors" - High BMI, Previous GDM, and now a positive Group Strep test at 9 weeks pregnant 🙄 but I am still opting for a home-birth atm! A good doula can absolutely help with advocacy in hospital, but also with advocacy around getting your home-birth if that's what you want I highly recommend Samantha gadsden doula's Facebook home birth group 🥰
Now that being said, many people will feel more comfortable birthing in hospital and what's important is making the right choice for you - but it's also important to know the reality of what the maternity system is like at the moment x
It’s not for me personally, because I had an elective section first time round due to placenta praevia and I think I want an elective this time round. But my sister in law had a home birth after a hospital birth and she loved it and my best friend is hoping to have a home birth, too! I can definitely understand the appeal and all the positives x