Yes- and the house. She still doesn’t seem to settle.
Could it be the position she doesn’t like?
In 100% in that boat except she also won’t sleep without drifting off on ME only also. It’s brutally hard! Her dad is beyond useless right now 😂
Try getting dad to feed her while she’s sat up looking outwards, ideally with something that smells like you near by
My eldest was like this, he'd rather starve than have a bottle off his dad. Nothing we tried worked, he wouldn't even accept solids off his dad when we started weaning. He grew out of it by nearly a year luckily but it was rough😬
Our girl did this at 6 months and it was because she preferred my way of feeding position. I had to show him every detail of what I do before she would take it. Took about a month to figure it out though. May not be that in your case but it's worth trying. My other half tried everything by himself and was really deflated as we were 50/50 feeding etc
Thank you ladies! Will give your suggestions a go and see 💕
Yes I had this problem, son would only feed with me. His bio dad tried but refused to listen when I advised him on baby's positioning so baby wouldn't feed and just got really upset instead. It turned out to be the positioning of the bottle that baby was particular about. Also bio father was abusive which didn't help.
Have you tried leaving the room?