2 hours at 19 weeks, this hasn’t helped how long she sleeps at night but it does prevent false starts most of the time.
I aim for 1.5 - 2 hours depending on how tired he is. Tbh it doesn’t really make much difference!
Usually 1.5-2 hours but his bedtime depends on his last nap but it’s usually between 7pm-8pm
Depends.. sometimes 30 minutes. Sometimes 2 hours. Depends on her naps and how many she’s had during the day.
Thanks everyone. We are just out of the sleep regression about 2 weeks and my LO blessed us with 2 weeks of sleeping the full night roughly 7pm-6am (it felt amazing after 7 weeks of surviving on very little sleep) and the past two nights we’ve went back to multiple wake ups even though routine has been the exact same and never changed 😭 i never thought id be so obsessed with sleep!
2-2.5 hours x
Sometimes we have 40 minutes sometimes we have 2 hours. Regardlessthey still end up in bed for about 8, one twin tends to still wake up once for a feed at around 3 the other sleeps through