Similar to us then! Up at 6:30/7 and down for 7/7:30 and up twice for a feed. Her total sleep in 12/13 hours get a little concerned how little her sleep is. Sometimes I’ll put her for a nap usually the last one she is up after 10 mins and then has another 1.5hour wake window.
My girl is the same as Alex but she sometimes wakes up at 5am😭
Yuppp same here!!! 4 x 20-30 minutes and mine used to sleep 11 hours a night but now she only does 9. She goes to bed around 9 and wakes up at 6/7, whereas before she used to sleep in till 9 with a feed at 6:30 but then went back to sleep. Now she doesn’t 🙃 so I’m also worried she’s not getting enough sleep but I guess she’s the one who wakes up so I trust that it’s enough for her?? As I can’t physically force her to sleep more.. but I’m still worried 😩
She used to take longer naps but even now even in the car, pram, contact naps , her cot she just sleeps for 30 minutes . I was also worried but she is happy most of the time so I’m going with it
Yeh my boy usually sleeps 2 hours or less a day. Usually less I think. But he sleeps amazingly at night. Goes down about 19:30 , has one quick bottle around 4am, then goes straight back down til 8/9am 🙏🏻
My LG only does like 3/4 naps that are max 20 mins if at home on a walk she will refuse to sleep and then finally fall and then last normally untill the pram stops moving but she does go to sleep at about 7:30 and only wakes up for few mins during the night for boob comfort and wakes up fully about 5:30 (early bird not sure where she gets that from) so I’m trying to push her bedtime later and hope she wakes up later
Wakes 7.15-7.45 and sleep at night by 8pm. 4 naps, 3 are half hour and one is often 40 minutes. Stating to transition to 3 naps and he actually takes a longer nap middle of the day when we manage to do this, he stirs but settles back down and naps for over an hour easily. So we’re going to keep trying a 3 nap day as long as he gets one good length in x
Hey, my baby only take 3/4 short naps a day which equals about 2 hours a day. She goes to bed at about 6pm and wakes up at 6/7am but she wakes for food a couple times between 6pm and 6am