Breast feeding after c-section

I had my baby boy yesterday via c-section. We’re having troubles with latching and only been successful once so far. Having to hand express on the other occasions. The first time I expressed, it was easy and got 4ml fast. Second time I only got 1.3ml but took a long time. Baby boy is just wanting to sleep which I know is normal. Any advice would be appreciated! Also how long did it take for milk to come in after a section
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My little girl was born naturally on Friday morning. She slept for the first 24 hours and didn't want to latch either. I've been expressing and syringe feeding until a few hours ago when she managed to latch with a nipple shield. If you can get the syringes with the little plastic straw, and when you feed them use your little finger for them to suck on and put the straw down the side. That way they get used to sucking and milk happening at the same time. This is my third baby, so happy for you to message me if you'd like to stay in touch x

It's really important to keep persevering with the latching (and hand expressing) so your body gets the message that it needs to produce milk. Do this every 3 hours, if baby is sleeping, wake them. If you're having difficulties, ask a member of staff to help you and be with you while trying to latch and hand express. I didn't have a c-section but it took 3 days for my milk to come in.

I think mine took about 4 days to come in after a C-section to go from colostrum to milk. Also had to do syringe feeding as LO was in NICU for 5 nights. Finding a quiet calm space to express helped me up the amount I was getting. I did hand expressing and using a haaka. Definitely ask for help in hospital. Also have a follow of @lactationconsultantleeds on Instagram. She has lots of useful advice and also does remote support if you get worried or are not getting the help you need in hospital. She works both for the NHS in Leeds and also privately for people across the UK.

My milk came in on day 3. Keeping put baby on the boob as his sucking signals to your body to make more milk. Lots of skin to skin helps with that too. In terms of latching ask to see the Infant Feeding Team, they will be able to help with this! And congratulations 🙂

My milk came in day 5 after a section maybe try a few different positions that’s what we had to do x

My milk properly came in on day 3pp

Thank you everyone for your comments, I’ll take all into consideration. I’ve just found out he has a tongue tie so hopefully we can resolve this soon xxx

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