Hey girls
So my husband and I got married four months ago. The night of our wedding we conceived our 2nd son together. We had our first son 5 years ago. When I was just 2 months into this pregnancy, I found him talking with escorts and chatting with prostitutes to meet. This is not the first time I’ve caught him doing this. He again claims it was all “just a game and just started doing this again”. He pleaded with me not to leave, said he’d probably kill himself if I did. This is also not the first time he’s said that after I’ve caught him cheating either. Last time, he actually ambushed me and dragged me into the bedroom shouting at me to not call him that (a cheater). Obviously after this we separated. He took courses for domestic violence after being charged. 1st offenders program. Years after his “changed behavior” I took him back, forgave him and we got eloped.
Since the most recent discovery of his cheating into our marriage, I’ve stopped all intimacy & moved out of our martial bedroom and into the 2nd bedroom with the kids. He asks me if I’m going to leave him and all I say to him right now is that I’m thinking about it, processing still. In my head, I am fully preparing to proceed with divorce when I legally and financially can.
I’m now going into 5 months of pregnancy, and I’m still taking on the full roles of parenting and maintaining the house while expecting. He is still working- then comes home to play video games everyday, often times not interested in or even wanting to interact with his own son. He does tiny favors for me here and there, but that’s really it. He seems to be fully content with this dynamic. Just happy and full of glee to come home everyday and lock himself in his room to play those games, not doing any parenting at all.
I know there’s probably a lot more that needs to be known, but on this basis alone- what does this sounds like? What’s the point of all this? Why push to marry me for so many years of claiming to have “changed” and wanting to be married, just to cheat so soon after? Why push to have a family? To be a provider? When this man is clearly not interested in being an active father or husband AT ALL?
Do not stay with someone like this especially if they threaten to kill themselves if you leave. You deserve better.