Ebf Mamas

Naps: are you feeding to sleep or feeding after wake
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But really want to change it!! I’m so stuck as he won’t sleep without being fed to sleep

Before sleep but not TO sleep. We feed them read book then lay down awake. Both my kids EBF and were sleep trained

@Taylor how? How did you master this?

It is biologically normal for babies to be fed to sleep.

Both? 😂

@Lizeth I agree and appreciate this… but it can still be hard to sustain. Especially when you have to consider going back to work etc and whether baby will be okay without the being fed to sleep for naps

@Hena what if you feed them 15-30 mins before sleep, won’t they do down if you try after that? But also, don’t put pressure on yourself, this time will fly by 😬 Mine will do either, but I often feed to sleep because it’s just quicker to get her down like that.

100% feed to sleep every time, feed when she wakes up like 80% of the time

@Lizeth 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

I always try to do that… but then he falls asleep 😵‍💫 . So feeding to sleep it is. And I agree it is quicker in some cases. But it’s that crutch of him needing me every nap/ sleep time. I won’t be around for it when back at work.

@Hena also we’d be amazed at what our babies can achieve when we’re not around. Our natural instincts have us giving them what they ask for, but when we’re not there they eventually do adjust and adapt. X

@Stacy lmao tell me about it

I do both

@Hena we have a night and nap routine we’ve worked on for months (baby is 8 months now) and I just broke up the feed to sleep by putting in a book before I lay him down. When he starts falling asleep we stop nursing and I read him a book. Sometimes it’s like 2 pages because he’s tired but he goes down drowsy but awake and self soothes. We did Ferber with my first and my second kind of sleep trained himself

Both. And because he's my last baby I'm savoring the sleepy feeds 😍

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I really do hope he adapts 💔😭

@Taylor thank you for this… I think I’ll give this a go. I hope he takes to it

@Hena you’re welcome! I hope it helps but we did sleep train so just a heads up work was put in so they self soothed to sleep. Our routine is bath (if bath night) lotion, change, nurse, book, lights/sound machine, short song in my arms standing in front of the crib, put down

Well, unless bub wants a feed and isn’t ready to nap, and will likely then not want a feed before nap, in which case she will fall asleep in pram or carrier instead

Both! As of yesterday I’m currently trying to give a bottle at night though and not breastfeed so I will feed and then rock to sleep - baby likes to use me as a pacifier and will quite literally wake up 8+ times a night if I unlatch her 🥲🥲🥲

@Meg try getting a second let down! I find my girl wants to latch less often through the night if she’s had that second feed then she’s much more content, I just move a little bit to disturb her enough that she keeps sucking instead of being idly latched, then after the second let down I can unlatch and roll her off and she sleeps much better ☺️

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