Really hurt from my toddlers behaviour.

My toddler adores her grandmother (my mil) which is fine I have no issues with that but she adores her so so much to the extent that when she leaves her presence, she will start wailing and sobbing like she’s never done before. As though she’s genuinely heart broken. Calling her name and everything. It hurts. She doesn’t do that for me so stings a lot. She won’t come to me then and if she does it’s only to repeat herself that she wants to go to my mil. I like my mil but she can be a bit..odd at times and I know she loves that my toddler is like this. My husband says that it can be normal for kids since they see their grandparents house as a “ holiday” where they get pampered and a break from their reality of being at home . I agree but it still hurts and today it just made me so hurt I honestly didn’t want to be around my toddler I felt so rejected. I know I sound crazy 🤣 ugh..any advice please? X
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oh girl ive been in the exact same spot my mil watches my son while i work and he went through a period of losing his mind when it was time to leave her house and id try to console him and he'd push me and scream for her. it's so hard and makes you feel so pushed to the side as their primary caregiver, its such a horrible feeling but i will tell you that my son is almost 3 now and he stopped doing it pretty recently. he still asks for her but doesn't have meltdowns over leaving her presence anymore. so hopefully your daughter is just going through that phase like my son did ❤️

I don’t have any advice I’m curious about if others feel this way and why Because I’m like “whew yes go with your grandparents please”

My lo used to cry for Nana all the time and I used to get a bit upset. I mentioned it to my mam and she told me that when she was with her she would ask for me. My lo will soon be 5 and she has just got out of it. She loves spending time with everyone but wants us all to be together all the time now instead of seeing us individually

@Asha if you don't have any advice and are just commenting to judge how others feel maybe don't comment then. she is totally valid to feel this way and it's normal. 😊

@Erin I’m not judging I’m genuinely curious I do not comprehend and want to understand I didn’t say she was crazy or her emotions were invalid Did you feel this way? Why?

@Asha i did feel that way, i enjoy breaks and having the grandparents spend time with my kids too but it's still not pleasant to not be preferred by your child as much as someone else is in my experience.

My baby just turned 8 months, and the first person he ever reached for was my mother. I remember that feeling, and I remember saying (I know he didn't understand me) no baby, you supposed to reach to mommy and I ligit teared a bit bc I just assumed my son would just reach to me at this age. I can't even imagine it getting anymore hurtful to the point of him crying for someone else.

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