Mine drinks maybe 18 ounces of milk a day now that I give her solids. Before solids she was downing a good 34 ounces a day. So that sounds like enough.
Money has been fluctuating lately but she's drinking 20-25oz and one solid meal a day
Mine eats 4 bottles of 4-5 oz and nurses twice. I do solids morning and evening but portions are still so small. I feel like he is not getting enough tho cuz he wakes up 2-3 times at night. Once he eats he’s fine.
I nurse 7p, 10:00/10:30p dreamfeed, when he wakes after that if not between 5/5:30a, then he'll have 12-15oz of breastmilk or formula during the day, then sometimes a quick nursing session 5:30p (depends when his last bottle was)nd some puree before his 7/7:15p nursing session before bed.
My son will have 4-5 bottles of 7oz formula and then 4-8oz of solids . I add rice cereal to his bottles too.
I think my doctor said to aim for at least 24 oz a day at 6 months so that sounds like it should be enough! She should also have 6-8 wet diapers a day. If those line up and she doesn’t seem hungry, she’s probably eating enough!