Flat head

How are you meant to avoid bubbas getting a flat head when they’re meant to sleep 14/15 hours a day?! I’m so paranoid about it especially as he’s pants at tummy time
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Ours sit in chairs when they're not sleeping or playing on their mat and neither have a flat head

I know they say not too but during the day I allow my LO to sleep on her side and rotate it each time. I noticed my LO is getting a flat head and made me so paranoid. Supervising her whilst she sleeps on her side during the day.

Tummy time is honestly the best way! Whether that’s on the floor or on your chest. 3 times a day for 3 minutes each time! Lots of distractions to keep baby happy while doing it

@Nell how old are they though? Mine doesn’t have good enough head control yet to do this (16 weeks tomorrow)

@Zara I’ll give it a go but I’m not sure that he will sleep on his side!

@Catherine will persevere. Does that short a time really make a difference?

Yeh it really does! I was always advised that, and my wee boys head was rounded very quickly. I’m now doing the same with my wee girl.

They're 4 months now. They don't have head control to sit up yet, the chairs they're in are the maxi cosi seats/bouncers.

Don’t worry too much once they become more up right sitting up and playing etc should correct itself xx

I used a flat head pillow with my first child and it corrected the flatness on the sides of his head

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