i’m close with my mum and i’m her only daughter, i wanted her to be there and see one of her grandchildren born. she lives 1.5 hours from me so i told her to come as soon as i was having my waters broken. she was my biggest advocate when i couldn’t speak and she just knew exactly how to handle me and my anxiety and the doctors/midwives, i loved having her there and will invite her back for my second. she has been through birth 3 times so i feel like she just knew how i was feeling and what i needed to hear. 🤍
I had my mum at my first 5 birth's the first 3 she was good the last two she really just sat there till the baby was coming out then left so this time she won't be there I will be having my best friend and my oldest daughter (17)
Honestly, I had always had it in my head that I'd have my mam there with me when I had my first baby. It didn't happen that way & my husband was my birthing partner, to both our daughters births. My mam & dad come to the hospital to visit after the birth. I'm kinda glad that it happened that way because, it strengthened the bond that I have with my husband. I honestly don't think that I could've done it without him. If I was younger &/or, single, then yeah I'd have definitely had my mam there with me.
my mum lives over an hour away from me and i said from the start that i didn’t want her to be there when i have birth and ive now got a 5 day old and she wasn’t there for the birth but the whole time i was in labour i didnt even have time to think bout my mum i was more concentrated on getting baby out
I feel like my mum presence would not help me. She gave birth last time 30 years ago and just doesn't remember, has a different approach, would probably comment about how much worse she had, and just wouldn't say the right thing. I'm afraid she would only aggravate me so I didn't invite her. She will come after the baby is born.
I’m so close with my mum, my whole pregnancy I wanted her there. It got to it and we both admitted that it wasn’t the right time for her to be there and she wended up going home. In the moment it was all about me and my partner and she lived a long way away so we decided it was best for her to go home. My birth ended in an emergency section though so yours could be different xx
I told my mum it was just to be me and my partner, told her I was in labour and she came to hospital with the intention of waiting outside but my labour was awful I asked for her and I’m so glad. Baby got passed to dad to feed and dress straight away and my mum stayed holding my hand while I delivered the placenta and got checked ect, I needed someone to look after me while my partner was concentrating on baby. I was so glad she was there in the end. Completely depends on your relationship but it’s hard to plan when you don’t know what you’ll feel in the moment.
My mum travelled 3hrs to stay in my house a couple days before my due date. We discussed prior I didn't want her in the room during the birth and that she can come into the room after the birth was done (she wasnt happy but thats what i wanted). It was nice since she brought me food and would help take care of baby for me. But actual birth was just me and my husband and I would defo do this again next time
I know it’s different circumstances as your mum lives so far away from the hospital however. Personally I’ve got my mum on “stand by” if I want her there she will be but otherwise she won’t. Is there a chance she could make the drive up and stay at yours for “stand by” I know it is a pain as she lives so far away but I guess it’s always nice to have the option of having your mum there if you need/want her