His first nap is always at home as it's quite early, then we'll go out and if he falls asleep whilst out then it's in the car or buggy if not he'll have it at home but he does sleep both at home and out
First nap is basically always at home. Second nap is either home or pram or car depending on what we’re doing for the day. Last nap is basically ALWAYS in the pram currently, as I’m pretty sure he’s wanting to actually drop to two naps, but he doesn’t actually nap long enough for that to work out (I’m not doing a five hour wake window before bedtime 😅) but it’s really hard to get him down for it right now, so we kindof have to ‘force’ it in the pram!
Wherever we are when it's nap time honestly
@Jennifer I’m so glad I’m not the only one in this awkward phase!!! We tried two naps and it just did not go well but trying to fit 3 in with his wake windows and if he has an hour nap or longer the day is ruined and we have to use the pram to manipulate an early and short nap 😆😆
In the car she won't sleep anywhere else !!
We contact nap, but one out of the three naps in a day are in the pram whilst we are out on a walk
I try to do 1 nap a day out of the house because I don’t want to lose his ability to do this ! It’s very convenient!