My boys only just started in the last week or so and he's 8 months...he's army crawling and can pull himself up but isn't fully crawling without support. Plenty of tummy time and help them into the position, you can put them in the position over your leg to get them used to it etc
Tummy time & put toys in front of him and he might start trying to get up or move towards them
Tbh I didn’t do much. He just woke up one morning and decided he wanted the dog toy and now does a sort of army crawl shuffle. But he gets about 🤣 He’s still not showing interest in crawling on all 4s xx
Tummy time. My girl had good head control from v young age. She started crawling last week, it's still army crawling but she moved forward! I also crawled about a lot and also went to friends houses whose babies were crawling