@Amanda she lives an hour away. I would just go up there and visit but my grandmother constantly pops up on us without letting us know and unannounced and we both find it rude. So I would hate to do that to her. But honestly I'm about to because I miss her.
It might be the best way to communicate with body language and really be able to express yourself and how you're feeling since she isn't answering.
Sorry you're going through this, and I hope your sister is OK. Is this common for her not to respond? Again, I hope she is OK. I also came from an environment that was not ideal, and the older I became, the harder it was for me to deal with my past/childhood. I started therapy, and I had to cut off a lot of my family members to better myself and be the best mom for my family (hubby and my kids). I'm not saying she is doing this, but sometimes we just need time away to process and become a better version of ourselves. I truly hope for the best outcome ❤️
Do you live close enough to show up at her house? Perhaps there's misunderstanding. Good luck!