Conflicted whether I should stop pumping.

My son stopped latching at about 16weeks so I have been exclusively pumping ever since. He is almost 8 months and my milk supply has significantly dropped. Mostly because I stopped overnight pumps and became very inconsistent. We had a rough time with sleep when he got his bottom teeth. He is mostly drinking formula now and I only pump enough for 1 feeding per day. I should probably stop since I barely even have time to pump but having a hard time letting go. Could anyone share if they have stopped pumping when/why?
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Hey there just wanted to say that my baby stopped latching other than at night at around the same time and I’ve been having the same thoughts about when to stop. I also found a few things that boosted my supply so if you do decide to keep going and want advice I could pass along what helped. It’s hard to keep going though! Whenever you decide to stop, you did a great job with the situation you had ♥️

Thanks I would love to hear what you found helped.

I was really determined to bf and my son just wasn't latching I tried for about 2 weeks and I even tried just pumping. I was so stressed my supply went significantly down hill and I had no support. Whenever you decide to stop is perfectly ok. You did an amazing job getting him this far even if just one bottle. You can put the weight down now. And just breathe a little more easier.

My baby had an eating strike at 4mo (in Nov) and refused to breastfeed. After a week of trying and trying I switched to exclusively pumping (i was devastated). I did that until mid January and started introducing formula as I slowly stopped pumping. I decided to stop because I could tell it was messing with my mental health. When I slowed my pumping I also had a hard time stopping, even though it was only for one bottle a day. But in the end the time to pump and clean parts just wasn’t worth it for me anymore. I knew my baby was happy and healthy eating formula, so I didn’t want to annoy myself any longer with pumping. No matter what you decide, it’ll be the right decision for your family. One bottle of breastmilk is fantastic! Or, you could freeze that milk to freeze and have for baths in the future. Or you can just stop and use that extra time each day to breathe for a few minutes! :)

Thanks for the support ❤️ @Salena @Britta

I did when my son turned 6 months because he was never getting enough when I would breastfeed and I was inconsistent in pumping and didn’t really overnight pump so I started supplementing with formula after every feed and then my son was just so hungry i started feeling formula and pumping but I never got more that 3pm out of a pump and he was eating 6-8 oz so I just stopped pumping and now he is exclusively formula fed and now he is gaining weight like he should but when I was breastfeeding, he had only gained 6 ounces from birth to two months old

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