I mean I’ll try anything. He usually goes for his half hour nap a little after 7 ish wakes up before 8 and then goes to bed for 9ish. But he’s is usually not due his bottle till like 9 so what would I do about that? X
I'm not sure unfortunately, I EBF, but I can tell you my schedule: she wakes between 7-8am (no later or I wake her), 3-4 naps (totalling no more than 4hrs) last one needs to end by 5:30pm to give a long 2hr+ wake window. She then is ready to sleep by 7:30pm. There's the 4 month regression happening atm but usually she's good to be down for 4-6hrs before her first night feed.
Every baby is different ofc! My girl is a total Fomo baby, which is why I need a routine and to properly tire her out for a long stretch at night. She needs 13-14hrs a sleep a day. Also I do this so my husband and I can have dinner in peace. Then head to bed 2hrs later ourselves.
I’ll try aim for an earlier bed time!! I’m not sure if it is the regression or just what he’s like s but he’ll wake about 12am, 1.30 ish and I have to sit with him to get him back to sleep and then 2/3 for a bottle. But by that point I’m so tired I have to bring him in the bed but he might still stir 😕 hopefully an earlier bed time will help cause he’s not normally like this 😭😭
Going through the exact same thing!!
My little one is the same age, we don’t let her sleep past 6pm and then she goes to bed between 7:30 and 8. Sometimes she will wake for a dream feed at 10:30 however most of the time she will go through until 4am then go back off until 7 (apart from this week as we’ve reached 4 month sleep regression!) I would agree with the others, maybe try an earlier bed time… my baby is so unsettled from 7 until she goes to bed so she’s always ready for her sleep! x
@Gemma omg our babies are in sync 🤣 I could have written this exact thing myself!!
I also find that if my little one doesn’t have enough sleep in the day then we’re in for a dreadful night!
Hmmm, it sounds like wonder week (witch hours)
If he's waking more often and not going back to sleep as quickly as before then it sounds like the regression! It's their sleep cycles maturing and becoming more like an adults. But they can't connect them together as effectively. So they have a tenancy to wake up more often. :) hopefully it'll pass soon.
Is it possible he's needing an earlier bedtime? If its only happening at night, maybe a sign he's gotten overtired. My LG starts acting up when she's tired.