Hi my love hope ur OK my was Roughly the same but now she don't care about my kids and seen them for ages miss birthday gd thing she lives a lil far for me I did stop taking to my mum she never calls or nothing so I Decided I wasn't going to bother anymore and then 5 months later she called I get Anxiety when it comes to her but all I can say is u do what's right for u hun x
Oh dear, i had similar things with my family members but only small period and with both parents at different times. My father is still very incompassionate and neglectful. My one recommendation would be to set very strict boundaries and limit your contact because she won’t change and i would highly recommend getting therapy or counselling because the hit it has can be heavy. I got help and it helped me understand and set some actions. You are your lives and your babys life director - you take action for your health and your babys health. Wishing you strength- you’ve got this mama! 🙏🏼❤️
Hi 👋🏽 I’m so sorry to read what you’ve been going through. This is such a difficult situation that feels so unfair for you to have to go through. My story is almost identical to yours except baby is not here yet so I have an idea of all the big emotions involved! It’s something I’ve had to navigate and it’s taken a long time to figure out where I’m happy for the relationship to be and what boundaries I’m comfortable to enforce. It didn’t happen overnight and there was a lot of turmoil along the way. Unfortunately there isn’t really advice I can give you regarding the relationship, that is something only you can decide for yourself. I would say give yourself some slack. None of this is your fault. Be kind to yourself. Give yourself time to figure out what you want. You may also find it beneficial to speak to a professional who can help you explore this, especially if you’re feeling depressed and it’s taking a toll on your daily life. You deserve better ❤️ I hope things get easier soon 🙏🏽
Maybe it sounds weird but I just learned to honor her. Thinking that I chose her to be my mother and teach me my life lessons. Gave me a bit more peace. I learned that I should love myself. She couldn't give you what you wanted. Because she didn't know how. You are so amazing because she wasn't. 💕 Be the best mom you can 🪽 Triggers showing you the things you need to heal ✨ Big big 🤗 Forgiveness is a key for your happiness. I feel ya. It's sucks to have a shitty mom.
I am so sorry you are experiencing this. It is awful that she is still having this impact on you. I grew up in a very similar situation to you. I was also “physically disciplined” as a child. My Mother never loved me as a Mother loves their child. I left “home” as soon as I could. I would keep in contact because my other relatives begged me to, never for my sake. Now I see her maybe once a year. My son doesn’t have a relationship with her because I was always the one making the effort. I won’t say that you need to cut her off because there’s a reason you still go to see her. However, I do want you to ask yourself why you put yourself through this, knowing how you will feel afterwards. You may also benefit from therapy. Having someone to open up to about these feelings can help. They can also advise you on how to better manage the situation. I would advise not letting your child around if she cannot respect your boundaries.