I feel this so much-I’m right there with you. It’s exhausting carrying everything alone, constantly overthinking and wondering if your doing enough. But you’re doing so much more than you give yourself credit for. The fact that you’re even worrying about being a good mum shows just how much you love and care for your daughter. It’s okay to feel tired, it’s okay to feel like it’s too much. Your human. But you’re not failing her. You’re showing her unconditional love and what it means to keep going even when it’s hard. You are enough even when it doesn’t feel like it. Sending you hugs and strength xx
It seems so far away but it really won’t be, in seven years from now maybe even less if you get luckier than me…you’ll be like “damn, how did I get through all of that.” When you look at your past and all your moments of struggle or self doubt. Maybe you’ll have more kids maybe just the one but they’ll eventually be old enough to voice to you how they feel and like my 9 year old daughter just said to me yesterday after picking her up from school and going to grab a bite to eat while we wait for brother to get of soccer “thank you for everything you do for me and for loving me and being a good mom.” It feel so hard and impossible in the moment but I can’t wait for you to get there and also meet someone that will love you so unconditionally that they also love your child as much as they love you. I could go on but hang in there, you’re doing amazing and like it was said before…you even worrying about it means you’re already a great mom. 🩷
Thanks ladies for your kind words xx
I am in a similar situation however I'm a single mum in a relationship that I want to get out of but I can't because I may lose one of my kids I have no friends I can't travel anywhere due to no money and don't drive etc hope Ur ok drop me a message anytime xx
I don’t have any advice to offer but just wanted to send a big hug 💜! Being a mom is so hard and I am sure you are doing amazing and your daughter knows this.