Starting breastfeeding again but I am pregnant advice

I stopped breastfeeding when my daughter was a month old (9 months ago), I am 7 months pregnant and want to pump again and get my supply back (I know I can do this and these are reason why it would be beneficial to my 1st born). Is this possible? Or dangerous? I know ppl say pumping before 37 weeks can bring on preterm labour but in same hand some ppl breastfeed and pump while pregnant
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If you were already breastfeeding/pumping it’s safe… but I’d definitely consult your OB about pumping so soon. If anything it should be colostrum if you start pumping now. It’d be beneficial in regards to all the nutrients for your other baby.

@Amber I still leak milk tbh I had a massive over supply so hasn’t completely stopped

You’ve been leaking the past 9 months or since around the 2nd trimester?

@Amber since having my first baby (carried on after bf so 9 months) it’s been milk but I heaven tried pumping or expressing so I don’t know if it would come out white still or as closotrum xx

I wouldn wait another 2 months tbh, you don’t want to put yourself under unnecessary strain at this point. Pregnancy actually reduces milk production, while you can still express some, but it will be putting a strain on your body if you have already stopped breastfeeding your first. You can hand express, but I wouldn’t try too hard to get a decent amount each time, 1 oz is probably max that’s doable if you are still leaking. Colostrum would actually be better for newborns instead of breastmilk immediately since colostrum is more nutrient rich compared to breastmilk. But it is your choice, as long as you feel happy doing so then go for it, just make sure to not putti g your body under the pressure and strain while doing it.

@Nattinan yeah I totally get what your saying I think I’ll ask midwife if I can then give it ago x

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