My boy is almost 4 month and 1.5 to 2 hours and he is ready for a nap. He might fight it a little but always needs it. How is the night? He goes to sleep at 6.30pm after bath and bottle then wakes at 9/10pm then 1pm ish and 4pm for change and feed before waking up at 6am ish. The 4am feed is s new thing, since about one week he has been waking up at 4am where’s before he only got up twice and now three times. Any advise much welcomed 🙏🏻
Same as @Natalie. My boy can go for hours and hours. And then he will only have a 20 mins nap. He’s nearly 16 weeks.
I know after 1.5 hours she can fall asleep. Sometimes she pushes through to 2 but if I start rocking her or stroking her face, she will go to sleep
Around 1.5-2hours usually. Sometimes will wake from nap and want to go back to sleep shortly after if she’s especially tired. She’s got super low tolerance to being overtired and therefore not an easy baby. I’ve got a toddler around too so It’s quite hard to get the balance right.
My 17wk old’s wake windows are usually 2-3hrs lately
My 15w LG goes from 1,5-3 hours
15 weeks today and it varies. If we're home he will go anywhere between 1.5 to 2 hours and then I'll settle him but sometimes if we're out and his nap gets disrupted he will barely have slept in 4 hours!
My little one will go longer if we are out and about or with lots of people. I must bore her as when it's just me and her she rarely manages 1.5-2!
Mine has can stay awake 1,5 h. After that gets fussy meaning time for a nap. Usually it's 45 mins. That's our day
Id say her longest ones are 2 maybe 2 and a half hours, typically 1.5 ish!
My 15wo usually gets tired within 1.5-2 h. If we are outside that might stretch but she won’t necessarily be cheerful the whole time. I find that she goes down easier when she is awake closer to 2h in the morning (she might get a bit fussy earlier but we give cuddles for a bit and then nap) which then gets shorter in the afternoon.
Usually around 1.5-2hrs but can be anything from 1.25 to 3.5/4 hrs (3+ hr wake window is rough, she gets so grumpy but refuses to sleep).
18 weeks old and he had wake windows anywhere from 1.5hrs to 3hrs
My 17 week old can go 5 hours sometimes !! 😪 he's fighting his day time sleel at the minute so he can range from hour and half up to 5 at the maximum!