@Kara how long did the procedure take.
Eh. This is a little bit of guesswork cuz I was distracted and frankly didn’t care all that much what time it was. BUT I do remember them telling me that stitching me up and the placenta and all that was going to take about 20 minutes. My best guess would be that I got into the surgical room at about 11am and was sitting with my husband and baby in the “recovery area” nursing by 12:30. But tbh it all felt like 10 minutes cuz I was psyched to meet her 😂
Oh hey! I had my first baby and first c-section two years ago so hopefully my experience is recent enough to help. I had some nerves about it being completely new but everyone introduced themselves in the room where they actually did the surgery and let me know what they were going to do beforehand. I met the doctors, nurses, techs etc while I waited for them to prep the room. After everything was prepped it probably took about 15 minutes to get to meeting my baby 🥰 They put a needle in my lower back (ish? I couldn’t see lol) to numb my bottom half and it took effect really quick. They double checked everything was numbed properly and talked to me the whole time while they did the incision and got my baby. The only unsettling thing to me was the amount of “pressure”. Absolutely no pain, just be prepared that there will be pushing and pulling that might feel a little uncomfy but it goes away as soon as the baby is out. After that I met my baby immediately. Snuggled, nursed, etc :)