My little girl is nearly 5 months and I keep thinking the same thing but I know each baby reaches their milestones whenever they’re ready so I’m just patiently waiting 🤣 she does giggle if I fake eat the sides of her belly but it’s never consistent just for a couple of seconds, don’t worry mumma when they’re ready they will, you’re doing great❤️❤️❤️
My girl was about 5.5 months before she did it for the first time but even then didn’t do it often. Once she hit 7 months she started doing it a lot more
My little girl hadn’t at this age! I was worried too, she was probably 6/7 months and done it once or twice she’s now nearly 11 and giggles quite regularly but still not as much as other babies. She’s very happy she’s just got a high standard for what’s funny clearly 😂😂 and now the best part of a year in I’m still so excited every time I hear it, so don’t stress xxx