
Hi there! So i just wanted a bit of advice. A couple weeks ago, my breasts began REALLY hurting a lot when i fed my son. So i half stopped. Been bottle feeding formula during the day and breastfeeding him through the pain at night (simply because its easier and i genuinely do like breastfeeding, it helps me feel close to him). Anywho! Thanks to the pain, i initially bought a new pump, thinking i can still produce enough to feed him milk i produce during the day only via a bottle instead. But the pump further destroyed my boobs (making night feeds infinitely more painful but hey ho). So now im stuck. Im fairly certain my supply has gone right down because im not pumping and my son is only taking from me at night. I try hand expressing but i get less and less each time and i really wanted to continue breastfeeding my son for a good while yet (he's only 7 weeks!)... Anyone please got any ideas on how to bring my supply back up that wont destroy my nips even further?
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Well done on making it this far. It’s so selfless to keep feeding through pain. However we, you deserve to be comfortable while you feed! I think you would really benefit from some face to face support to figure out why you’re in pain. Is it his latch/vasospasm/eczema etc? Does he have a tongue tie? There are so many reasons and you should either find a local breastfeeding group or IBCLC to help you work through this x

Make sure you are also using the correct size flange for the pump. Using the wrong size will wreck your nipple. You could also try a nipple shield when breastfeeding and pumping to protect your nipple. Just make sure you have the right size. My daughter has a poor, shallow latch a lot of the time so I mostly pump. The poor latch causes me a lot of pain which then causes it to hurt to pump. Like Maryam recommended, I'd suggest a consultation with an IBCLC to help you out. Also, try some lanolin cream after feeding and pumping. It helps my nipples a lot with the pumping.

@Maryam Thank you! I hadnt even heard of a vasospasm until just now! Ill have a look into local groups and a breastfeeding specialist of some kind hopefully and see.

@Kelli I did try a.couple of the flanges that my pump came with tbf but maybe i was trying the wrong ones and not giving the right one enough of a chance. Also, ive heard of nipples shields, but always just figured they kind of go on when youre not bf or pumping, just like day to day? Almost like a nipple pad in your bra? And agree on the Lanolin. Only just started using it and my good god it does help a great deal.

Here's a YouTube video on measuring your nipples for the flange size: Nipple shields are to be used while breastfeeding or pumping. Silver cups are kept on all day to protect your nipples.

Oooooh! Thank you! And that is very useful actually. Ill have a look into the shields now then! :D cause i didnt know that. ❤️

Along with @Kelli advice, lube your flanges with food grade coconut oil so theres no friction, Girl good luck, because I have felt that pain… ohh and between pumping or feeding make sure u use nipple cream Lanolin is fantastic.

Nipple shields can be great but I wouldn’t start using them yourself. It’s better to do so under the direction of someone with lactation training. They can lower supply in some people if they affect positioning and attachment so usually advised to pump once a day as well to maintain supply. I hope you find a breastfeeding group! La Leche League or your local hospital infant feeding team are a good place to look x

Thanks guys! Really appreciate the advice!!!

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