In the UK we have the lullaby trust which has a lot of helpful information about co-sleeping, so I would recommend checking that out! From my understanding although haven’t done it yet myself the safest place is between you (mum) and the edge of the bed. Baby shouldn’t go between you and your hubby at this point. You should sleep with your body in a c shape around baby, this is to prevent you rolling onto them. Don’t have them in the bed with you if you’ve drank alcohol or if you smoke, or take any medicine that makes you drowsy. As mum you are more in tune with baby so that’s why it’s safer for them to be next to you. Cosleeping can be perfectly safe; just do some research first to make sure you’re clued up :) I think there are some groups here on Peanut for it too!
@Kathryn thank you I’ll check it out! He’s only slept on my partner once but the two other times we’ve dealt with his night screams he’s slept exactly where you said - next to me and the edge of the bed. Good to know the intuition was correct!! I’m actually sober but I do have a hematoma in my muscle tissue that I got during my c-section so I am on pain meds that I take as sparingly as possible. Thanks for reminding me I should wait until the meds start working their way out of my system to allow him to sleep with me! I’m in so much pain I don’t notice any drowsiness but I’d rather be safe than sorry! Thanks for your insight!! Hopefully this phase won’t last much longer! Fingers crossed he will get through the darker hours in his bassinet!
@Liza do you have any tricks/tips for the halo? I have a couple but the straps are so long and my little dude fights his way out! How do you make sure yours stays tight around the arms/chest?
Hey! I hate it but I’m also dozing off with my son at night after feeding him. He will only sleep in our arms. I sleep with him in the nursery chair, I put my legs in a pretzel and have him sleep there. While I’m leaning back with an alarm to go off every 1.5-2 hours to also feed him. Staying in the pretzel form has kept him safe and he is on his back. I feel bad but I can’t help falling asleep with him 🙃😅
@Emily My husband has been the one swaddling him mostly since I’m still in c-section recovery, but he just does it super tightly around his whole body. He still houdinis his way out sometimes, but it’s harder if he has a onesie on underneath vs another swaddle.
I don’t know much about co-sleeping, but have you tried making him super duper bundled in the bassinet? When our 7 day old gets fussy, we’ll wrap him in a swaddle and then one of the Halo sleep sacks. No matter how fussy he is, he zonks out almost immediately (so long as he’s fed/changed). I think he feels like he’s back in the womb 🥹 I know every baby is different, but sharing in case it’s helpful!!