I'm the same as Claire - my LO has never cried or screamed when getting dressed but sometimes she has that face where it looks like she might, but we turn it into a game of peekaboo or I say to her 'wheres your arm gone, how many fingers will pop out etc etc' just make it fun for them! One thing I've heard as well is if they really don't like it try and start with baggier clothes so it's not as tight on them to fit over their head etc and then when they realise there's no reason to cry they'll get better in clothes that fit again. It's all trial and error - does your LO have a favourite toy, or do they like you singing to them? X
Omg yes!! I just make funny noises to distract her
Yep!! Just go with it haha
My LO can do this sometimes, it is almost like he panics sometimes. I make it a game and roll the whole thing up and peek through the whole and smile at him and give him a countdown and talk to him the whole time it is over his head. I also try and put his face through first. It’s horrible when they don’t like it and if he does get upset I pick him up and cuddle him and tell him it is ok