
any mamas still breastfeeding/human pacifier for their almost 2 year olds?
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Yes he goes through different fase where he's on me all time to he wants it and help him self every now and again x x

Still breastfeeding and I’m OVER IT it’s so hard to ween

@Michellay sammmeee

Yes!!! Trying to ween, we’ve gotten down to feeding if he’s extremely tired and wants to pacify, and when we go to sleep, since I cosleep, but that’s only for a max of 10 mins if that

I am so tired already 😒. Her paediatrician said to just wait until she’s 2. Sis is stuck on me like glue especially nighttime. And my milk won’t dry either 😑

Off topic because you said “almost 2 year olds” The fact that our 2023 babies are closer to 2 years old than 1 year old is mind blowing 😫 they grow so fast🥲🥰❤️

Sameee! He knows now that’s bf is only for nap times and bed time. So the whole day he’s saying “bed”. Lol

@Eleanore same but my daughter says night night if she gets really tired and wants it lol

Yes Also can’t believe our babies are Close enough to two to be considered almost two 😭

Yes, and I’m losing my mind!!!

Yep! Trying to wean but it’s been a really slow process…maybe by his birthday at least I hope lol

Yes, i have it down to only nap time and bed time. Trying my best to switch to juice or milk at night but she had issues with dairy for the first 8 months trying to switch. We used oat until she started throwing that up and now dairy is okay again. We will see how it goes, I know they go through a lot of changes before two so im keeping up a hopeful spirit that she will be better by then especially since she just started drinking cows milk within the last two weeks lol

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