Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Mums of 2+ looking for advice!

How did you adjust going from 1-2? I love my child so much, but I’m scared due to being 6 months pregnant with another baby of the same gender. My first has such a special place in my heart and life, I’m worried how I will adjust with two. I know I’m going to love my second as much as my first, but there’s still a w...


How much did u gain during ur pregnancy

So just curious what everyone's experience is. Comment any relevant information.


Nub theory help please!!!

So I REALLY thought this was a boy according to a blood test (done at home though) and nub theory I did myself on this scan picture. HOWEVER I submitted to the gender, they decided to do a skull analysis instead(??) and said it was likely a girl?? Please let me know your thoughts! Would love as many opin...


15 weeks

This is the most comfiest outfit and will be wearing it the whole pregnancy 🤰🏼


Breech baby

I’m currently 36 weeks 6 days, been told today my little girl is breech, I’ve opted into a c-section because turning the baby has only 50% chance and that’s it they stay there, any tips or words of encouragement would be definitely appreciated ❤️ I feel so nervous/mixed emotions.


4 weeks + 2 days

Anyone around the same?


Gestation diabetes test results

I had my gd test on Tuesday. And they said the results will come back in about 3 days. And they will contact me if I have gd, if I hear nothing, it’s good news. So I was expecting to know by today if I was positive. I had a look on my pregnancy notes and the results are back but it says I have an impaired glucose t...


Accidentally drank alcohol!?

Hi, I’m currently 19 weeks pregnant and I grabbed what I thought was a Diet Coke from the fridge this morning but it was Jack Daniel’s and coke!! I had about two big sips before I realised, I feel awful will baby be okay?? Also worse as it isn’t even 11am 😭😭😂😂


Second trimester nausea

Hi everyone, Is there anyone who had close to no nausea in first trimester but having nausea and vomiting in the second trimester? I have never heard of that. Please help


Feeling super anxious! 😕 Natural Birth Vent

So this is my third baby. My first I was in my early twenties and had a hospital birth with pitocin and epidural. I hated it so my second I elected an at home birth. It was the most beautiful experience ever! I was able to drink tea, eat oatmeal and just relax with my meditation music. I am now considered “high risk...


Fact check?!

Check it then 🤣🤣🤣 here come all the “she’s going to be the change” trolls. I heart blue and she’s changed trolls. Let me get this timeline fueled up!! Part two in comments for ya!



I’m honestly kinda mad I’m pregnant again tbh it seem like every time I try to lose weight I end up pregnant because they know I hate being fat and talk about it all the time so it feels like they want me to be fat so I can’t feel good about myself


Should I be concerned

I'm 26+6 rn and I have been exhausted and I haven't felt baby kicking half as much as usual the last 2 days and idk if I should be worried or not


Emergency c section

I have a fear of stiches and operations. During my whole pregnancy I believed in my heart that I won’t have a C-section. I prayed and prayed. Baby was in head down position, I went overdue had contractions and went into labor for days. I was completely against c section, I was scared of it and didn’t do any research...


Failed glucose

Anyone else fail the glucose test? Im trying to do some research on lack of weight gain and failed glucose test. I am not overweight and I was down almost 20 lbs pre-pregnancy weight. I have gained about 10 back but I am still down 10 and not gaining. My mid wife is concerned with that. But I can not find anything a...


Labour anxiety! Not sure what I’m looking for here, but after my first i have crazy anxiety about going into labour again. I’m currently 36weeks and cry all the time and feel like I’m bordering panic attack when I think about labour.

Has anyone got recommendations or positive things to share on second Labour? I don’t know if it’ll help or not but at the moment I’m so worked up over it



Last week I just figured out that I have preeclampsia. My anxiety has been terrible. I also got told that I’ll be induced at 37 weeks. Does anyone else have preeclampsia?


August Baby ! 8/24/24

Hey guys, I had no energy to post him after I gave birth. But my son Kaiden Hernandez was born August 24, 2024. He weighted 7lb 4oz and 19.5 inches… he’s 2 weeks and 5 days right now .. As a first time mom who wanted so many kids in the future and who also though pregnancy itself was horrible and not worth having an...


Me and partner sexually frustrated ..

So I am four weeks pp with one stitch nd we really have been wanting to do it I know the doctor said 6 weeks but it’s been 4 I want to know when did y’all do it because I have been waiting 6 months and four weeks 🥲 but I don’t want to hurt myself trying to make myself feel good ..


How did you feel after weaning?

As soon as I finished weaning I became exhausted, extreme fatigue, didn’t feel like myself. Then I had my first period since weaning and I think I’m now anemic. Which is weird because in pregnancy I wasn’t, postpartum I wasn’t. I never took an iron supplement it’s not in my prenatal. I still take my prenatal. I’...


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