Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
I’m 32 weeks pregnant and really struggling now to shave my legs, any tips? The belly is well and truly getting in the way!!
Anyone else had dangerously hemoglonin levels in pregnancy? Been taking my prenatals every day, can’t seem to get them to go up they keep dropping any advice on what to take
I’m worrying about the amount of weight I’m losing through pregnancy and its impact on mine & the babies health. I’m 24 weeks and have lost 10kg (1.5stone) since getting pregnant. Whilst I had sickness in the first trimester, my appetite has been back for a while now yet I’m still losing weight. I feel like I’m catc...
Are they safe to use during the first trimester? I used it before and had a loss, so I'm scared to use it with this pregnancy. I'm 10 weeks along.
Has anyone taken the sneak peek gender test and it came back accurate?
Has anyone started harvesting colostrum yet and if so how many weeks were you when you started?
Has anyone taken amoxicillin during their pregnancy and if so any issues
Anyone else feeling or have felt more anxious or stressed in their second trimester before? Is it normal? I’m 19 weeks and feel more anxious/stressed about things in general, not just worrying about the baby. For example, irrational things like being alone at night while my partner is away, which isn’t like me. I’ve...
2 weeks old🩵
Hi ladies I’m a mum to 3 boys, all pregnancies were normal BP but after I had my last I had a very high BP spike and was put into meds which I eased off slowly, now 3 years later we are planning our last but I’ve recently had severe high blood pressure readings and I’m going into medication this week. I’ve always ha...
i am booked to have a glucose test at my 28 week appointment for GD but i wasn’t really told how it will go or what will happen or what would happen if it came back that I did have GD i am abit nervous as i dont know how they give the glucose etc, has anyone had one that can shed some light as to what happens durin...
Just a quick one, to let anyone who has a glucose test coming up and really isn’t looking forward to it- for whatever reason. Whether it be anxiety over having to sit in a waiting room for 2 hours. Fears of blood tests. Worrying you might be sick etc. you CAN ask to do a week worths of blood testing at home. I was...
Ex. How you cut fruits, how you hold utensils, are you picky eater(allergies excluded), checking if you eat with mouth closed etc.
I'm 13 weeks and the OB instructed me to begin taking 81mg baby aspirin everyday until 36 weeks , to avoid pre-eclampsia, is how I understood it. Did you get recommended the same?
This is my 2nd pregnancy & the first trimester anxiety definitely isn’t easier this time around. Just took my NIPT test Saturday & I feel like this time my anxiety is through the roof. With my daughter I didn’t question the NIPT at all. 😭
is anyone else struggling with their emotions in the third trimester?
35+2 weeks and have the itchiest belly anyone else experiencing this but not pre eclampsia? Could this potentially be to do with stretch marks or more serious?
Swear I’m going crazy! This is the second test and they keep developing evap lines. Both from Tesco! 🥺🙈 they develop within the first min from testing which is weird!!
Second baby! I have no idea how the nub or skull theory works so what’s everyone thinking babies gender is?
Hello ladies! In my previous pregnancy I had pre-eclampsia but I didn’t know until the day they induced me I just went into hospital the night before with horrendous sickness… anyways I’m obviously at risk of getting it again (which terrifies me) and was just wondering if anyone else is in the same boat and if you’...