Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
38 weeks today and feeling soooo anxious. I know I love my baby but the thought of birth is terrifying me. Everyone seems to be so excited but I can’t shake off the fear.
Anyone else have high blood pressure? My blood pressure has always been elevated but not requiring medication. I did however have to take medication through my whole previous medication and have just been prescribed medication again. I thought I would be more relaxed about it this time round as I would know what to ...
so after nearly a year of trying we finally managed to conceive and i’m just 4 days away from the end of the first trimester but honestly i am already just so fed up😂 i feel sick when im hungry, if i eat i throw up, i’m constantly tired, my little one has decided to become super clingy and demanding and i just…
I’m almost 11 weeks pp and I had my first period after birth last month, how was everyone’s second period? I’m now late so unsure if it just takes a while for your regular cycles to get into the rhythm again!?
I’m 27 weeks pregnant, first baby, and I know it’s my first so “I’ve never experienced this before” but I’m actually ready for this baby to be born now, my back is in bits, he kicks me non stop he’s so active. I can barely sleep because I’m so uncomfortable. I’m sick of these weird dreams. The anxiety is unreal. I’m...
Do you get the results back in 3 business days??
I'm 25 weeks almost and I don't even feel that big but I feel so uncomfortable. I don't even mean sleeping I just mean getting around, school drops and round the house. Such a long way to go to till due date 🥹😅
Anyone else’s second trimester going better? Like I have a few symptoms here and there but overall feel fine. Sometimes I do worry about that since the appointments are far apart.
I have my first appointment tomorrow and I am an absolute bundle of nerves. I'm so excited for baby but the nerves are just eating me up! With that being said, is there any questions that would be good to ask at the first appointment? I'm a ftm and we haven't announced to our family just yet because we want to make ...
I’m hoping for an elective due to my health anxiety & fear of natural birth. But I’m so scared of telling my family & them judging/questioning me as they dont understand my anxiety. Also scared of the procedure and recovery. I’m not sleeping thinking I won’t be able to hack the pain or something terrible will happe...
My boyfriend says he doesn’t consider himself the dad of our baby until it’s born, am I right to be upset by this or am I just being overly sensitive? It has really hit a nerve and he’s making it worse by saying I’m overreacting and he hasn’t said anything wrong :/
Hi All, I was given my little kit to test my bloody sugar levels on Weds. I was given 20 needles but I have to test 6 times a day for the next 3 weeks until my review. The diabetic nurse has put a repeat prescription for needles into the docs for me so I will get that this week but I asked what do I do for new nee...
Hi, I’m 38 weeks and got a planned section booked next week at 39 + 3. When is the best time to try to collect colostrum?
Hi! I’ve got my glucose test on Tuesday morning and It says on the letter to fast from 9:30pm until the test but it doesn’t say anything about water, are you able to drink water in the fast? Google says yes but some other bits have said no!😂
Hi everyone ! I have experienced feeling a little more low and anxious over the past couple of week ( I am 16 weeks) . Has anyone experienced fear and generally feeling scared and low in their second trimester? Or throughout pregnancy? At times I do not recognise myself.... Thank you all 😊🫶
Third trimester and my stools look almost black ! ( sorry TMI) has anyone else had this
This is probably the most selfish thing to say. But I can't stop crying. I don't want to be an ugly fat pregnant person. I'm so scared of not looking pregnant or getting a bump and just looking a horrible mess😩😩😩 the fear is so real. I want to enjoy it but I already feel like a whale
37 weeks and I'm so uncomfortable. Can't lay on my sides without being in pain, can't walk without being in pain. Surely pregnancy shouldn't be think difficult. - coughing hurts I'm worried, if I can't cope with this, how will I cope with birth
Sooo uncomfortable been going to bed every night hoping labour starts😭 I see my midwife 38+2 do they offer anything at this stage? Or is it still too early 😰
This is my 12 week scan I just can’t seem to understand nub theory 😩does anyone have any guesses? Girl or boy 🫶🏼