Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
Hello Ladies Any advice on trying stop being so scared/nervous? I am 10+1 after 3 losses last year ( 1 being a MMC at 8+6 but didn’t find out until 12 week scan) I am on progesterone and have another scan on Thursday next week, I am so scared that I’m going to get bad news again and can’t get it out my head 😩 my…
Hi. How long did it take for you to receive your NIPT results? Feel like I'm going mad waiting😩
Does anyone else feel like they are carrying a bowling ball around? I'm only 21 weeks and 3 days, but the weight and pressure I feel around my abdomen is just exhausting, and I can't help but wonder how the he'll I'm supposed to manage the next 19 weeks!
So the women in my family tend to gain a lot during pregnancy. Seems to be no explanation why. My first trimester was plagued by lack of appetite and sickness yet I still gained a little over 20 pounds. I was 125 before I got pregnant (my ideal weight) and right now I’m 147 at 14 weeks! I have a small baby bump but ...
I failed my one hour, i have my 3hr test on Monday but i have to be there for 4hrs 😝 i need to be under 135 and my sugar was at 166 🥲
I have hypertension, gestational diabetes, checking my glucose three times a day, insulin shots twice a day, I’m already going to the doctors twice a week because I’m over 35, high risk because of all those symptoms then I’ve been dizzy super exhausted like can’t do anything so to add on to that i got a phone call s...
I did one at 27 weeks and results were fine, but at my 31 week midwife appt I had a sugary urine test (most probs cos of Christmas but never know!) so they are making me redo the test at 34 weeks. Is it still accurate that late? Anyone have any similar stories? Thanks!
Curious to know if anyone has had bad hormonal imbalance after having their baby? My LB is my first and my moods is all over the place, I feel shit and I don't know what's going on. I feel angry a lot of the time too....life's been difficult lately but, I can't help but, feel like something is wrong with me.....has ...
I’m just so scared and can’t think past birth. I was to scared of lack of control of a vaginal birth so elected for a c section in Feb. But I don’t even feel excited for my baby yet. I honestly can’t think past the fear and terror I have in my mind 😢 Anyone relate or have any help for me please?
I feel so depressed and anxious about birth, whether that be vaginal/c section or whatever way it pans out I’m convinced I’ll die, have a heart attack or be traumatised. The fear is robbing me of being excited for my baby. I can’t think past the birth. Anyone else experienced this 😢
dont get my wrong pregnancy is a blessing but i don’t know if my reasons are justified but i’m always irritated and freaking annoyed
So I forgot what flavor I did last time. My glucose test is next week vote so I know which one taste bests 🙏🏼 I want to say I did orange because I was told it tasted like sunny D but I can’t remember 😭 if there was one I missed add it to the comments but when I worked in OB I swear it was just these two flavors 🤔
I’ve just found out I’m pregnant with baby number 2. I had pre eclampsia at 38 weeks in my 1st pregnancy and I had been taking aspirin as I was high risk for it. I’m so scared that this time it will come on earlier or worse, I have my midwife appointment in a few weeks where I’m sure I’ll be advised to have the aspi...
My levels were at 135 and my dr.’s office uses the cutoff of 140, so I passed. Reading some offices use 135 though, so concerned if I should ask to do the 3 hr test? Did anyone get 135 and fail the 3 hr test?
Hey girls, so I’m 29 weeks. Over Christmas, I had antibiotics for a UTI. I ended up getting these through 111 as midwife team took over 8 days getting back to me with results (at this point had finished the whole weeks course!). I had another call today saying that as I had Strep B, I will need to write this in my n...
When is it likely to get Braxton Hicks? I’m 25 weeks. How will I know the difference between Braxton Hicks and actual contractions? It’s my first baby! Thank you
Anybody else feeling like they've gained a load of health issues and are constantly at the drs since having a baby? I have things going wrong with my stomach, heart, lungs, bowels I'm just living in constant fear 🥺
“The first trimester isn’t that bad” & then I get a nasty head cold😂 holding back vomit while coughing is not for the weak😅😅😅
Anyone else checking badger app 20x a day waiting for their blood results to come back 🤦♀️
I’m due to give birth any day now however have severe anxiety about it all as my last pregnancy 2 yrs ago I had a retained placenta. The whole experience was traumatising and I’m soo scared of this happening again, has anyone had a retained placenta and then the next pregnancy everything was fine? I’m really praying...