Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

When did you get your line stealer test?



41 weeks

I have been having on and off period like pains and lower back pain/ache for 3/4 days now. They haven’t really progressed into anything more. Is this a sign of early labour? I have been offered a membrane sweep. I am aware of pros and cons. Really in two minds in what to do any help would be greatly appreciated x


Baby drops

How many weeks does the baby usually drop before labor


First first trimester

Hi just wondering since I’ve never experienced this before, if I just let myself puke will I feel better? I’ve been fighting the nausea but it’s getting so bad i wonder if I’ll feel better if I just let myself vomit?


New mom

Does anybody else have a line like going across the belly like the line is forming with the belly where the abs use to be or is it just me?


Maternity triage

How many times have you guys gone to maternity triage for reduced fetal movement or any other concern and everything turned out to be fine? I feel like I’m constantly worrying my partner with my concerns because as soon as I don’t feel baby I panic and start crying and make my way to hospital. I’m 33 weeks and feel ...


Protein trace in unrine?

Today I had my 32 week growth check up. There was protein trace in my urine ( it was a tad cloudy) I hadn’t drunk much after I had lots of water it wasn’t cloudy anymore - I’m awaiting tests as they’ve sent my urine sample off . Anyone else had this and what was the outcome? No other issues down there and Bp was fi...


Glucose test

Hi! I’m getting my glucose test tomorrow at 27w5d - 2 hour fasting - and am super nervous. I’ve always been tiny (just my build), but because of this I’ve already gained 25lbs (all in my belly and boobs and now a little in my face - but my rings are still falling off - the weight displacement is so weird!), but I ea...


Stretch marks

Anybody considering a tummy tuck I had one kid looks horrible I got preeclampsia gained super fast


25 weeks

So I’m 25 weeks today with an anterior placenta , been feeling little “flutters around my knicker line , but these are very on and off, one day I feel a few and the next I don’t feel any, any one the same ?


Help! 34 weeks pregnant

I am 34 weeks & high risk for the first time with my 4th baby my high risk is due to GD & preclampsia I do NST every Thursday & ultrasound every Monday. This was probably my 5th NST & iv never had issues tell yesterday we got a nonreactive NST & doctor sent me for a ultrasound mind you baby always scores 8/8 yesterd...



I have the first trimester anxieties creeping back in. I’m 32+5 and the closer I’m getting the show time I have an overwhelming feeling that something is going to go wrong. I had this in the first trimester when I didn’t allow myself to get excited in case something happened in those first initially months. Why ...



I’ve just gone 15 weeks, I feel like I should be doing more. Should I be buying stuff already? I don’t know what I’m meant to be buying though? And then I’m worrying about all these other things like visitors when baby is born, certain rules when baby arrives etc. Maybe it’s hormones but it’s upsetting me and almos...


Testing twice a day?

Does anyone test twice a day? HCG tests I mean. Like one first thing and one later afternoon/evening?


Non-Stress Test (NST)

Anyone else have to go for an NST and can tell me what’s involved?



Has anyone done their NIPT/ harmony test through clinical labs? I did one before for my first child when I was 10 weeks but through a different company and received results within a week. Clinical labs told me it takes 3 weeks and I needed to wait until 11 weeks. I am 10w5days decided to go ahead anyway their websit...


8 weeks

How much did everyone’s little one weigh around 7-8 weeks? 💙



NIPT is taking so long!!! Wonder why it takes so long. My results are estimated to take 2 weeks.


A1c level possible GD?

So I’m wondering if I’ll have GD(gestational diabetes) again this pregnancy. At 9 weeks my a1c was 6.2 considered prediabetic. I take my 1 hr glucose test this Saturday at 16 weeks. All the doctors have said it’s possible to have it again. What do you think? 🤔


Early pregnancy anxiety

How do you curb your anxiety in very early pregnancy when symptoms are not particularly prominent and seem to come and go? What reassures you that all is well?


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