Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Sneak peak test

Has anyone had the sneak peak gender test I really want to do it but scared incase it’s wrong 😂


Feeling anxious

I’m 6w 5d and all of a sudden I’m feeling anxious and worrying about how long I have to wait till the 12 week mark. I didn’t feel like this before but it’s all of a sudden come on. Is anyone else feeling anxious?



Is anyone else feeling more sick during the second trimester than they did during the first? It’s like the symptoms are hitting me more now and I feel so sick constantly.


Is anyone’s belly getting harder?

21 weeks and my belly is feeling firmer- can’t remember if it happened quite this early last time x


Migraine and giving birth

Hi, I have chronic migraine which has been much worse during pregnancy, to the point where I had to cut my hours and take a demotion to reduce some stress at work to try and manage them a bit better. I’m 22 weeks so still a way to go but got some anxiety around giving birth. If I don’t have a migraine, I have a head...


How do I know if it’s the start of early labour or braxton hicks??

36 weeks and having tightenings that aren’t necessarily painful but uncomfortable… haven’t had anything like this before and it doesn’t ease with movement etc like online has suggested.. I haven’t actually Been timing them as they are all Over the place I feel it’s a waste of time but anyone had this? It’s also in m...


Anyone else feel this way?

I found out I was pregnant a few days ago and ever since then I’ve cried and felt sick with nerves and anxiety. I don’t feel happy or excited at all, only fear and panic. Scared of being pregnant, giving birth and becoming a mum. Any reassurance would be appreciated x


Pressure below?

Anyone else sit down and once they stand up have a pressure down below for a few seconds. I've had it 3 times this week.. 25 weeks pregnant.


Blood test results

Hi does anyone understand blood tests that can help me understand these pls? Will add rest of results in comments xx


Filling during pregnancy

Is it safe to get a tooth filling? I am scared anyway of the dentist and an overthinker. Do you know if you have to get an injection or anything? Never had a filling before. Advice pleaseeee!


11 weeks and 4 days

Hey everyone I’m currently 9 weeks and 2 days pregnant and I wanting to tell my family on the 31st of Jan but don’t have my 12 week scan till the 2nd of Jan, what peoples opinions of telling people before 12 weeks 🤍


Anyone who’s had babies

Do you feel a certain way before you go into labour? I’m 37+4 and today I feel so strange, so much pressure, back pain, almost like my waters are gonna break? I’m so uncomfortable, belly keeps getting tight and pain all over my stomach… How weird is it feeling this way and just not knowing if it’s gonna happen or ...


Gestational Diabetes test

Did everyone received an appointment for the GD test? I am 27 weeks and not received an appointment for GD yet


Gestational diabetes test

Hi all, i have my gestational diabetes test tomorrow morning at 8:30am What time do i nees to fast from? Also will I be able to work aftwards supposed to be on a 8-4:30 shift but everywhere online says i need to rest afterwards tia x


28wks pregnant, sick to death of people’s comments

I’m honestly at my wits end. 28 weeks pregnant with baby boy, first time mum to be. Since the day I told people I was pregnant at 12 weeks all I’ve had are comments about how big I am and it’s now getting to the point where I feel like punching people in the face. I have started working from home and go into the off...


Glucose test

Hi! Has anyone had their glucose test yet? Any tips?


Labetalol lowering bp too much?

I’m second pregnancy, 23 weeks and have been on the lowest dose of labetalol since 12 weeks. Now that I’m squarely in my second trimester the labetalol seems to be lowering my blood pressure to the extreme. I’ve gone from 150/100 to 95/62. I become so exhausted it’s like having a sleeping pill during the day. My ‘sp...


Glucose Tolerance Test

Those of you who have done your test for GD, how long did it take for you to get your results? I know it probably differs depending on your hospital, but just looking for a ballpark figure. I’m on day 5 and not heard anything yet.


Been admitted indefinitely 😩

I’m 34+4 but have placenta previa. It’s completely covering my cervix. I’ve had period pains the last day with regular tightenings. Likely to just be braxton hicks. But the fact my placenta is at the bottom and so is the cord, they have admitted me indefinitely. Gutted it could be many days as my C section is booked...


Post partum preeclampsia?

Anyone suffered from post partum preeclampsia as well as preeclampsia? One doctor told me I had it, another said no and another said it doesn’t exist! Within the first 6 weeks of baby’s life I was back and forth the doctors with severe migraines, still having high BP readings and protein in urine that got tested as ...


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