Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

2 under 2!

Hey guys, I’m completely freaking out. Im 21 and I just found out that I’m pregnant with my second, my first is 9 months old and I don’t know if or how this is gonna work. I have 1 family member that lives near me and my mum lives 2 hours away, my partners family while supportive is not really the type of people I c...


Not dilated and 39 weeks

I’m due 11/7 and went to the doctor today and baby is low but I am not dilated at all. Anyone else having this issue? What are you doing to dilate?


Work & pregnant

Just curious to know if anyone has had any risk assessments/health and safety checks done at work yet since being pregnant, If so what measures have been put in place? 🙂


Horrible 1st trimester 2nd baby

Is anyone else having a horrible 1st trimester with their second pregnancy because since being pregnant I’ve been in the ER 3 times needing fluids and hospitalized once for abdominal pain and they send me home because baby looks great but I’m not great though 😭😭😭


Getting out of drinking

Is anyone else struggling with telling people why your not drinking or eating certain foods? We choose not to tell anyone (even parents) until after our 1st private scan - I’m terrified it’s not going to happen, so thought it would be easier this way - but I seem to have plans every week which would involve alcoho...


Contractions picked up on monitoring?

Went in for reduced movement today and they monitored me and had a scan. I had mentioned to the midwife I had really bad back ache since this morning on and off. The monitor picked up contractions. As baby is in awkward position the back ache I think is the contractions. She said could just be quite a few braxton h...


Has/did anyone used this during pregnancy ?

Says it’s safe to use when pregnant but to call dr. I’m just a bit embarrassed to ring and ask. I know it’s just precaution they HAVE to put that on the box, says to ring a dr about taking painkillers when pregnant too. I just want to know if anyone else has. X


Glucose Test

I didn’t pass 😪 ugh who else didn’t pass ?


What’s going on

Can anyone tell me their experiences of having a bad stomach in 3rd trimester? I’m 37 weeks and been having watery stools (tmi I know, sorry) for about two days now and according to google, it could be a sign labour is near? Has this been the case for any of you? Also my stomach feels weird and I can’t tell if it’s ...


Diabetes test

So I’m 33+1 and apparently I’m carrying too much fluid. I’m being sent for a Diabetes test tomorrow morning. Anyone got tips? Did anyone else have one this late?? I’m just so worried


Over thinking or not ..?

I’m 39 weeks pregnant with our 3rd and not sure if I’m overthinking or what but if my man follows like majority all women on TikTok should I be worried ? Like he is just following them but around me he is like never on his TikTok tho … I’ve brought it up but he was like I’m just following them not commenting on ther...



I handed in my MATB1 form today, my work maternity policy states I need to send the MATB1 15 weeks before the due date, but I have just checked and it’s actually 13 weeks before the due date. Do you think this will affect anything? My appointment with my midwife was only yesterday and I didn’t realise


Primrose oil

Hey so I’m 38 weeks and have seen from 37 weeks you can start taking primrose oil orally or vaginally, I ordered some off Amazon but reading the pot it says “Do not take if you’re pregnant” I have read that it is apparently safe from 37wks but I’m not sure if it’s worth the risk 🫠


Feeling anxious

Is anyone else massively struggling with anxiety? I’m almost 30w pregnant with my first baby and had a few scares from scans, on top of that I’m constantly overthinking how my life is changing, whether my partner still finds me attractive, will I manage to get everything ready in time and will I be a good mum… it’s ...


GD Blood test

Sorry I’m new to all of this, I’m being tested Friday for GD but with a blood test instead. They’ve said I’ll have to take tablets if I do have it but nothing else, does this require me to prick my finger for blood?


Is '6 months' 6 months or 24 weeks

Maybe a silly question! I just know you're supposed to do weeks until 6 months and months after that? So at what point is my baby 6 months 😂. If you plan to start solids at 6 months would you do 24 weeks or 6 months???


Baby stuff!

hey , what week did everyone start buying baby things? I’m still really early but just want to know when to start getting prepared?🫣


Babies age…

Is my baby 6 months at 24 weeks? Or should I wait until the date of the month he was born? Basically he was born on the 29th of May so is he 6 months on the 13th of November or 29th of November? Trying to work out when to start weaning and when he should go in his own room.


28-29 weekers

Tell me how well your 28-29 weekers are doing, please. ❤️


First doctors appointment

When did you first go my app says I’m 5 weeks (due June 30) appt scheduled next week on Tuesday. Is that too soon?


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