Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

First trimester and toddler

Can anyone please tell me how they’re coping 😩😂


I am pregnant with my second baby

With my first baby I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia plus emergency cesarean section at 37 weeks of pregnancy, My baby is 19 months old. I am 10 weeks pregnant my doctor prescribed me aspirin to take at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Is there a risk if I don't take aspirin? Or if he takes, will he have any risk of being a...


Guesses? We find out Thursday!

Someone said they can't see the nub but I don't know if people have got other theories? It looks just like my little boy so I'm thinking boy.


White coat hypertension and induced?

So I’m 33 weeks and I went to my doctors appt this morning and my BP was 140/70. I have had a history of white coat hypertension (get super anxious at doctors offices) but they haven’t brought up my BP until today. It has always been over 130ish/70 the past couple of times when I’ve gone but when I take it at home i...


Returning to work and very nervous

Hey mommas! I return to work tomorrow and I’m absolutely terrified. Luckily my MIL is watching my little girl but I have all these panicked thoughts and I have no idea how I’ll get through the day. Little peanut tax 💕


Increased hunger 34 weeks!

Anyone feel more hungry in the 3rd trimester esp in the night? Lately, I've been feeling all of a sudden starving in the evening like I haven't had dinner lol it's so strange but then i can't eat too much as I got heartburn.


Anterior placenta

Hi ladies, I’m looking for some reassurance! I’ve done some googling (I really shouldn’t, I know 😭) and apparently having an anterior placenta increases likelihood of longer/more painful labour/c sections etc. if baby remains “back to back”. I do understand it can move upwards, and that they tend to move, so that…


New moms!!

hey! does anyone have any tips for labor and delivery? I’m a first time young mom and I’m very very nervous for the epidural, and pushing. although I’m very excited to meet my baby girl I’m very nervous for labor and delivery as I’ve seen a bunch of stuff about postpartum and right after birth. I’m almost due so the...


Gestational diabetes test

Anyone not been able to complete the test? Did you have to do it again? I’m 27 weeks and had my GDT today Got through most of the wait and my body was like nope and threw it all up (sorry for the TMI)



Is anyone else experiencing anxiety? This is our second round of IVF and we’ve finally got our first ever positive. We had our 7 week scan last Monday, baby had a strong heartbeat and was even wiggling slightly. But one week on and I’m still full of fear that this won’t work, I was fine for a few days after the ...


Glucose Test

My OB has me doing the fasting 2 hour test as my first glucose test. Has anyone else skipped the 1 hour test and gone straight to the 2 hour?



So my boys have chickenpox and I’ve read if we come into contact with it while pregnant we should inform our GP. Has anyone else’s kids had it while you’re pregnant and what advice were you given? My GP can be a nightmare to get through to I’ve messaged my midwife as well for now. I’ve had chickenpox as a child myself



Have any of you mamas done the glucose test? I have mine tomorrow (didn’t have it with my first) and I don’t know what to expect, im dreading it. All ive been craving this pregnancy is sweets so im scared that’ll trigger the diabetes 😩 Also, it says I can only drink tap water, but I absolutely hate tap water and…


I feel like I'm taking "eating for two" too far

Anyone else feel like they can't stop eating? Before I was pregnant I ate really healthy and played rugby so I was quite fit. I was at a really healthy weight for my bmi ect. Now I can't seem to stomach healthy food and I'm constantly craving and eating junk 😬 I'm waking up every two hours to pee anyway but I'm…


Throwing up dark brown and blood

I’m 34 weeks pregnant and a first time mom.. had a scare yesterday. Went to the ER yesterday morning cause I woke up throwing up dark brown and bright red blood… upon arrival they wanted to monitor baby… well hooked me up and my sweet babygirls heart rate was over 200! So they made the decision to send me by ambulan...


How many weeks

How many weeks do u think I am


How far do u think I am

How many weeks do u guys think I am


To be or not to be medicated...that is the question...

Is it weird to be scared of epidural even though you had it and had a good experience? Im scared of birth and painkillers and the pain itself. Did you opt out of all painkillers? How did the drs handled the shouts and coping sounds?


Due date round the corner and husband is sick

Can anyone point me towards some advice on this as I’m reading mixed things online! (I’ll also text my midwife tomorrow). My husband has come down with a nasty virus and I’m due this week, so I’m wondering A) is it safe for him to be at the birth - worth mentioning that if all goes well we will be at a birth centr...


Sneak peak test

Has anyone had the sneak peak gender test I really want to do it but scared incase it’s wrong 😂


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